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The gold head tiger deals with knife three, so two victory or defeats can hardly anticipate.So Lin Pei Wen would arrange like this, can ast least promise to win a , can say to is science very.But huge strength east but have more complicated plan, and have never said to Lin Pei Wen before now.
Is huge strength east the point nod:"Like this the arrangement is also well ……"
Is huge strength east is about to continue to keep on saying, chairman's set yonder Lin Xiao Long once takes a microphone, pure after settling throat say:"Now that everyone have already together arrived, so I say severals.Today why come here, everyone has already known reason, I also not repeated.Or that sentence, everything sees a height on the King of Hell field.This affair of honor has already dragged along greater half for year of time, can not continue again to take away, will conclude today.The star Long Bang, northeast helps and Huai the south help, ignore who is who lose not of will take out to in advance settle the next site and business ……"
Lin Xiao Long made reference to picked up a few handy paper Yangs here Yang, huge strength east need not ask Lin Pei Wen can also surmise, that top affirmation is the clerk whom Lin Pei Wen signs with those two gangs, site and business up clarified three parties to take out to put up stakes in detail, act according to a performance according to the victory or defeat after waiting until to duel be over.
Lin Xiao Long says again:"Still have ten minutes, take place of person the preparation is for a while!"
Lin Pei Wen attaches a huge strength east the ear ask:"There is interest that play two hands?"
"I think just in normal times then the black boxing can put up stakes, how this kind of duels can also with wager?"
"Certainly!"Lin Pei Wen is using remaining of canthus to only observe surroundings and in a soft voice telling a huge strength east:"Usually black boxing the ratio is all sit a Chuang by consociation, but the consociation will not sit a Chuang for this kind of affair of honor, so want to put up stakes and seek outer circle banker."
Huge strength the east have certain understand to the foreign black boxing, although domestic have own characteristics, among them a lot of truths mostly and mutually.
The black boxing that is common doesn't be like an outside imagination of so ruthlessness, and don't have no rule as well can talk, few emergence death or severely wounded of circumstance.Truely ruthlessness is the game of those wager Gao, and the wager is more high, compete also more cruel.
Game under the general condition all is be manipulated by the banker, come up to say from the principle, which square of compensate to lead higher, the banker lets this one party win;If both parties compensate a rate about, the banker will make them hard to put together.However beneficial benefit conflict because of of different banker, also need to consider the real strenght and background that puts up stakes, and other some objective factors, so the race result doesn't always explode unpopular.As for boxing hand my will and emotion then never in the row of consideration.
Huge strength eastern analysis way:"This kind of duels to be controled by the outer circle banker, so being opposite should be fairer!"
"Rightness!"Lin Pei Wen's point nods:"The common game is to note to boxing under charge, this affair of honor then puts up stakes to gang!This because the whole newses all limit is associately willing be internal, so the outer circle banker scarcely knows what, and field top ignore occurrence anything, the outer circle bankers all want to accept, can not borrow is canceled son in the bureau by the head!For example say this time, few someones know that you will represent a star Long Bang take place ……", Lin Pei Wen adds to say:"As long as I don't say and know for no one!"
The fat head fish beside put 1:"This kind of bureau son and wager dice escort size to have no differentiation, however connect banker by himself/herself all calculate not last banker!"
The huge strength east asks:"So-called ten wagers nine cheat, make a Chuang because protect to earn, since can not protect to earn, why still need to sit a Chuang?"
"Because book incoming quantity money is really a lot too big, so big a piece of fat meat, even if is emit up strong risk again, is also someone to want something to eat!And duel to this, the outside Chuang earns of mainly from put up stakes of take out in money of big proportion commission, can be said to be steady to earn!"Lin Pei Wen makes reference to the appearance that here unexpectedly show unintentionally regrets and pour is like the Chi that oneself has no this kind of to money fan:"Not only unite the person of meeting will privately put up stakes, the external world gets the person of news also will participation come in, including various influence of each kind, and various rich, even still have be officer of!Is about this kind of game to note, equal to wager two gangs open fight similar, just can not see in person!"
The fat head fish help adds a way:"This kind of condition, so!"
"The race result victory or defeat can not anticipate, so the wager distributes to be more average!But if wager difference biggest, and the result exploded again unpopular, these outer circle banker how to do meeting?Or money putting up stakes is too many, through don't live temptation,beats by dre pro, how do again?", Huge strength east oneself gave answer:"I guess to with tail between legs run road!"
"BE return so a matter!"Lin Pei Wen's point nods:"However this kind of matter rarely sees, outside Chuangs in addition to earning commission, not too dare to make other patterns, as long as compute good compensate a rate, completely can put on each other to money of the wager even!And also few people dare to play this kind of pack meeting,beats by dre uk, otherwise once being grasped, the whole family the old and the youngs all want to compensate a life!"
The fat head fish put one to say again:"Star Long Bang once does a few outside Chuangs and consumedly earned several tickets!"
"?"Huge strength east the Rao has asking of interest:" Is gold head the time on the tiger?"
"To, and still have moreover and twice, we star Long Bang is so rich, in the certain degree because this a few outside Chuangs!"The fat head fish makes reference to here and sighed an one breath:"Unfortunately have never sat again afterwards!"
The huge strength east smiles to ask Lin Pei Wen:"You should have been already put up stakes?"
"Certainly!"The calm answer way of Lin Pei Wen:"Was I each to escort 10,000,000 on you and the gold head tiger!"
"Did you run for the not afraid banker?"
Lin Pei Wen smiled to shake to shake head:"This banker very has real strenght, and relates to with us quite good, absolutely is not likely to run!"
"Good!That descends 10,000,000 for me, I and gold head the tiger Be each to escort 5,000,000!"
"Do you escort you to win to still keep losing?"
"Do you say?"
"If isn't that you take place for me and say an in the mind words ……."Lin Pei Wen looking at a huge strength east, Pie Pie mouth:"My affirmation can't escort your this nap insect!"
The huge strength east didn't dispute, but ask with Lin Pei Wen:"How do I give° money you?"
"I make people directly give° money banker!"Lin Pei Wen orders a smoke, just going to absorbed but again to let go of,beats by dre solo, and then said to the huge strength east:"You if won, also need not give me these 10,000,000, I will with interest whole give you, it is a cash award to regard as ……"
Lin Pei Wen makes reference to here and then beats, there are behind also the words to don't speak, that is the huge strength east if lose, penny money all manily returns to Lin Pei Wen.
The huge strength east doesn't mind this, because own debt should from oneself to return, hence ordered to nod to say:"Good!"
Lin Pei Wen hurtled small Feng Yang Yang chin:"And we of the person say 1!"
"Good!"The small summit idea promised a , the station started to walk out.
Is huge strength east oddness of ask:"The cellular phones all accepted and how made a phone call?"
"Although the cellular phone temporarily needs to hand over to go out, however allows and outside contacts!"Huge strength the east associately will know not a thing to the underground, Lin Pei Wen acts as the role of having the guide:"The underneath 1 F floor is to make the logistic, there installed a few machines, occupying the words that to make a phone call can go that, however will be united person's surveillance of meeting."
Is huge strength east the point nod, and then asked some concerning underground consociation meeting of question, Lin Pei Wen 11 giving of patiences solution.Two people like this Be chatting and waiting small Feng to come back, is also waiting to duel beginning.
Small Feng go to along while just return to here, eyebrows tightly lock at sat down together and just the Ji can not treat of tell Lin Pei Wen:"Eldest brother, some matters are pretty strange!"
"What matter?"
The "I let us of after person put up stakes, again with banker contacted for a while, the other party revealed some newses for me ……" small Feng makes reference to here, strain of took a look or so, connect Related articles:

