
Beats by Dr Dre Pro nce currencies beat

Admire the each other seeing of the concussion of Lin Si and card plum Long one eye.
Two old guys generally smiled like the kid at the moment, very silly but very true, is remembering metal top to cost too many ideas, eventually have results to show a fruit today, especially admire Lin Si after Xiao Yu get empty to take this kind of metal to his in front, he every day the tea don't think rice don't think of, thinks how to can make use of to remember metal.
Admiring Lin Si's eyes at the moment is all moist, today to him the meaning is uncommon, unique regrettable of BE, find out a method of isn't himself, but remember metal host, he just gets empty according to the Xiao Yu of the viewpoint did part just, the sense of achievement is small many, but finally still happy.
Always station at study indoor room quiet quiet looking at the whole Xiao that test process of Yu empty far than outside of two old guys still have to be excited, because test success to him the meaning is uncommon, the thing represented is also too many.
He about has already no longer owned to completely belong to his own machine A for more than a yearses, before even if once owned also is all some first-degree machine A.
Remember metal once canning fix appearance, this then means, not how long he will own a celestial spirits class machine A, there is wood soup at, have already admired Lin Si to still have the card plum the Long, they three combinations develop one set celestial spirits class machine A, will never be what difficult matter.
Wood soup once said to him, he also wasn't likely to become machine A Long Ji forever, because his remarkable talent appearance not to, what wood soup say is the truth, was also really correct at that time.
But the emergence of memory metal obviously wants to realize this to break.
In fact, the whole cosmos owns the person of remarkable talent and Be different from to imagine mediumly so little, after several hundred million years and various baptism of different planet environment, the mankind's evolution has already turned into another stage, basically several ten thousand personal insides will appear a person who owns special ability, the gene evolves unprecedented of active.
This like the time immemorial period always has several personal intelligence quotients and wants the common run of people a lot of people of Gao Chu in several myriad people, the brain has already stopped an evolution because have already arrived extreme limit, exists a development problem nonentity evolution problem, cerebral flourishing degree far far above the mankind's apprehension, just don't can make use of well, the common run of people in present can be used to or so appearance of 20% for as well.
The brain evolution stopped, but the body evolution turn into an another all new stage and own the person of remarkable talent and then appear gradually, is such in the cosmos of this noodles at least, this make the Xiao Yu empty but is to think to be not that understand, he and Tang Yao come from the Earth, in regard to permafrost science and technology, is only a primitive man here, the top of 3D science and technology is just.
Nowise and exaggeratedly say, a celestial spirits class machine A then can demolish the whole Earth, what atomic bomb, play, the neutron play, the laser weapon is the trifles that can be deep-fried to deep-fry mountain, can not have any function to the celestial spirits class machine AN at all, only afraid can not even break protection covers.
The most advanced fighter jet also with differ most of suspend a car about, even all not equal to.
Problem is in the such low class, the mankind appear time and don't grow of place how also appear him and Tang Yao different like this?Press the truth to say that having not turned into such an evolution stage is just right.
These problem obviously not is what Xiao Yu is empty to in brief want and then can think understand, certainly also not is what point.
"Admire Lin Si to teach, can use to remember metal to make machine A for the raw material?"The Xiao Yu is empty to come out inside the room, he has already made two scientists whom the Chi is fond of be getting more happy for enough time, now should is solution for a while the time of his problem.

The text chapter 361 Apollo
Renew time:2008-10-180:28:41 chapter word numbers:4689

Lin Si considered way for a while, "since has already solved to cast now of ask metal for original the material build machine A should be to have no a problem, but if is to build the words of a celestial spirits class machine A, have no so easy."
The Xiao Yu is empty for constructing of celestial spirits class machine A knows very few, don't interrupt conversation, wait for admiring Lin Si's continuation.
Card plum Long but is to rob a words way, "general of machine AN is all just a kind of machine machine, but celestial spirits class machine A but have it special sex-like in shape and core, any celestial spirits class the control of machine A light the brain all have height perfect personification degree, the engine must is anti- material engine and also needs a set energy and converts a machine, this is almost a celestial spirits class machine AN and common machine A previous essence differentiation, the energy converts a machine and in fact creates easy,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, basically seven Wei science and technology then can control this technique, but the finished product is few, the person who have to pass by and own strong mentality carries on consultation and authenticate successful energy conversion the machine just can pack such as machine AN inside."
"The private of the country, the energy said conversion the machine isn't 1 kind can remarkable talent special ability and machine AN on the body combine together of machine?"The Xiao Yu is empty to ask a way.
The card plum Long nods a way, "a little bit simple comprehension, can also think so, however can see from the amount of the celestial spirits class machine AN of cosmos, it is very hard to pass to authenticate, once authenticating failure, the beautiful dream of the celestial spirits class machine A will also vanish like bubbles forever."
"Only an opportunity?"The Xiao Yu isn't too empty certain way.
"Only once, failure, also need not is trying, are all similar because of all energy conversion machines."Card plum the Long is very affirmative of return to way.
No matter how it is all must on trying, although to whether own remarkable talent can pass to authenticate is to have much of confidence,the Xiao Yu is empty to think that the all thingses must try, even if fail, that is also no big deal.
"If the Xiao assistant definitely wants to taste to take a shot of, I and the card plum Long country the private can construct one set energy conversion machine for you within three days!"Admire Lin Si afraid he or she have no the matter do, hence way.
The Xiao Yu is empty don't hesitantly say, "certainly need to try, however the energy converts all materials of machine also all is used to remember metal."
Admire Lin Si Dao, "this has no problem naturally.The energy converts the core part of machine is all some basic grain son, outer shell and frame use what metal is all doesn't matter of, key at dispense these basic grain the son is in the magnetic field ground the proportion and circulation BE."
"That pleases two.Does "finish saying after this sentence the Xiao Yu is empty to be about to leave, but is discover peep out some difficult colors in two country private's eyeses, immediately and suddenly realize, then again way, " study a fund to still leave how much?"
The card plum Long is a rectum son, direct way."All of appropriations were the affairs five months ago last time, now our two hands of old guys up still could not leave 1,000,000 alliance currencies, these money is all not enough to buy the magnetic field sympathy that a set high class orders of machine."
The Xiao Yu is empty to smile to smile, immediately open miniature light brain.Once connected to admire the bank card in Lin Si Shou, oneself the card up leave of 45,000,001 in 50,000,000 alliance currencies beat pass by.
Money has been less and less, finding out Tang Yao has already become urgent matter of the moment, otherwise really must drink northwest breeze.Hand although it is said up still of great value very valuablely star liquid stone, literally taking a point to come out can sell ascend thousand chase hundred million of, but the Xiao Yu gets empties felling from now on affirmation use up, besides remember a metal foundry method have been already found out.No matter the energy converts whether the machine can authenticate success and use to remember metal to all want to construct machine A to get up, when the time comes the energy used by that machine A.In addition to star liquid stone outside.The Xiao Yu is empty to no longer do two to think.
"Ha ha!Really he mama's ground satisfy!"Tang Yao mercilessly and suddenly and violently wears a thick.Lookinging at of fanaticism two yellow machine A be shotted down by own lightning flash, that the felling is great in a great mess.
That's right.Tang Yao is much especially federal now a Yu precious jade of ground morning sun federal three greatest financial groups cosmos development the president of the group, but she still has another unknown identity.
This identity woulds be Long Bang's eldest brother, an organization of underworld property, the organizes for these two years at much especially federal inshore notorious reputation far Yang, especially at go together in is more smelly not ability again smelly.
Long Bang is standardly black to eat black Related articles:

