
Beats by Dr Dre solo speak But look in th

The hand dozen sends out to.After as a whole considering what problem the property of Tan Shi linked to him didn't serve as, he just in a hurry tidies up luggage and directly ascends to leave for the sea round of Tienjin from Shanghai in the afternoon--had Tan Yan 闿's telegram, prosperous Xuan Huai where dare and say not word, even if have no Wei in this distance sea Wei this stands, prosperous Xuan Huai has to also stop a ship here.

The text chapter 181 with the wind ship
Renew time:2008-11-49:59:54 chapter word numbers:5294

Carry the passenger liner midway of five Xuan Rens process Wei sea Wei nearby sea surface of, be intercepted by Long Wei Jian of the north ocean navy, five Xuan Rens now ascend Long Wei Jian to go to the Wei sea Wei naval base.The past just once hears a trip how three battleship with lately- constructed agreeable dockyard are how good, but five Xuan Rens just profoundly realize its from the heart after ascending this battleship strong.This not is say that five Xuan Rens have to the military more to understand, but see all water soldiers are in the deck up have preface of busy, standing on the ship's bow can see arrive after death eight connect to pack big gun of dominant, this is feel from the heart of a kind of strong.
Three cruisers that travel agreeable dockyard are respectively "Long Wei", "Long Tian" and"Long Di", the data is the best in three cruisers of that is"Long Wei".At this time big pure empire's assigning name to to navy's battleship hasn't been in line with with west, can't make people judge on the name is which Class of battleship,Beats by Dr Dre solo, be like previous northern ocean of A noon war navy"eight greatly far" is similar, understand an all knowing of the point settle two big huge warships in the town, don't understand of still think all battleship are just about, a Class.
The warship " Long Wei" was originally even far warship's form of address in the ship political situation of Fukien in"eight greatly far", woven into by Li Hong Zhang north ocean after then used even far name.However this battleship of so can construct, back is support that cans not gets away from the queen mother of Ci Xi, so Tan Yan 闿 is traveling the day of these three battleship waterings building inside the agreeable dockyard to start then last book Ci Xi queen mother and hope to adopt an even far warship old, on the other hand the warship has vehemence, moreover is also think of an idea of"eight greatly far".This up book drive the queen mother of Ci Xi approved, Guangxu emperor summons navy the Ya door finally choose name these three battleship.
When Long Wei drives into the Wei sea Wei naval base inside the scope.Five Xuan Rens this just realizes the Wei sea Wei naval base seems to cover with in the one war among the atmosphere general, anchor at least 56 large battleship inside the naval base, obviously can see to have two battleships that is a similar to Long Wei Jian that he embarks style among them.Often have the torpedo quick ship to quickly pass inside the naval base, and stop to depend can also see be transporting ammunition to the battleship in the battleship on the wharf.
Five Xuan Rens don't acquaint with to the military, think that the status of the Wei sea Wei naval base in nowadays is the normal of navy's military base, then also have no much be suspicious.Just after seeing this prospects, admired three cents more to Tan Yan 闿 in the heart, he didn't thought of the northern ocean navy who suffers a crushing defeat in the noon war in AN at passed by in less than three years of fix whole behind, and then resumed such scale.See thus the type can not be used several years, affirmation can become the biggest fleet in the far east.
Five Xuan Rens go to navy after going on board Tan Yan 闿 that Mr. sees to then smile to ask a way:"Set Anne, how become nervous so to make me come over?What become rich a ground of opportunity?!"
Tan Yan 闿's smiling to smile after listenning to don't answer, just make the bodyguard release to close a door well after, take out from the desk 《north China report of success 》 to pass to say with a smile for five Xuan Rens:"You read this news.What feeling?!"
Tan Yan 闿 lets five Xuan Rens sees of is exactly up publish of concerning American newspaper up of anti- Spanish speech, however five Xuan Rens have no this aspect land administration to cure an insight to, after finishing seeing this and briefly reporting, turn over to interrogatively looking at Tan Yan 闿 :"Is this the opportunity to become rich that you say?!"
Although five Xuan Rens didn't speak.But look in the eyes in some disagree.Tan Yan 闿 says with a smile after seeing:"You had to once think if between the United States and Spain if take place war, in the center can have what opportunity?!"
Five Xuan Rens shake to say:"War happen?!Still be unlikely?Only is of two countries ground a little small antinomy just, even if true occurrence war, can become rich also however is an ammunition bargain company ……"
Tan Yan 闿 mutually sees a to smile with sit after the square Rong Qing of one side listens to all tiny shake.The square Rong Qing says:"Even if two countries war happen, the foreign arm supplier wants from it make a profit also not is an easily affair, American industry is flourishing.The ammunition production isn't a difficult matter to them.But Spain conduct last a hundred years in Cuba and Philippines.Now there is all native son in these two places stir up of start revolution, so armament up can't have the place to be slacken, either ……besides even if can sell to two army fires.Persuade imperial government export the ammunition isn't difficult, the key lies in our ground the scale was really too small, while all of these two nations are great powerses nation, though Spain has been already declined, but we regardless stand which sides all come to a bad fruit to eat, the imperial government also not definitely takes a risk ……"
"That we still have what become rich a ground of opportunity?!"Five Xuan kind-heartednesses in also have already thoughted of these, the of great powers nation opens hostilities mutually and be like to big pure empire a child stand before being two and being toring a dozen of grounds adult body, even if that adult is again weak, when the kid faces an adult, the ground in heart fears always certain, still less ex- how many years drive not just Japan of great powers to vanquish of big pure empire?
"The United States after south northern independent war to have never taken place already now war for few decades, and the ammunition market in scope in the world, points all in trading battleship, this market also most likely concentrates virtuous method Three Kingdoms at the English …… can say the United States of economy and industry is to is prosperous, but it ammunition industry till now because the reason for ordering should be to be placed in recession status, once taking place the war ammunition demand will be suddenly fierce to increase ……" the square Rong Qing smiles a solution
"You say do we open ammunition production factory in the United States?This pouring is a quite good idea, but the risks in it isn't small, if the United States and Spanish neck and neck, occurrence war after if a dozen beat to O.K. do last several years, this ammunition business makes big profits with a small capital.However this possibility isn't big, the United States and Spain although being two great powerses is national,American real strenght is strong, haven't waited our ammunition production the factory set up, the war perhaps and early ended ……"five Xuan Rens shake head to say.
Tan Yan 闿 smiles to smile to say after listenning to:"Six feather elder brother, set up ammunition production in the United States factory to us difficulty too Gao, and is not worthwhile either, just as you say so on time is also too late, so we don't want and set up ammunition factory at all in the United States ……I and the company of Rong Qing once measured, now of two countries however is a saliva battle, be still apart from time that the real war should have a few months, we want to take this battle didn't beat of time, make a fast buck on the stock market of the United States!"
"Be like American war once taking place in the nation like this, its stock market will also take place violently motion.The opponent is Spanish the end like this flows great powers, the cure of success of the United States should say to is very high, if have no accident to win Spain however is a matter of time ……American is a newly arisen great powers national, want for of woulding be and being like the English method wait old-brand colonize the vast colony that the great powers owns, changing a words are also want for market, the United States is in conduct and actions of China more than 10 years is also with expand market for core ……final outcome affirmation of the western America war is Spain to throw away the oversea colony as final outcome, Cuba is very small calculate not last what, but Philippines is located in Southern Asia, products abundant Be getting counter for much to the United States ……"square the Rong Qing add a way.
Five Xuan Rens suddenly realize say after listenning to:"Do you want on American stock market and take with the wind ship?However the key still needs to see this battle to beat as getting up to just go.If really can anticipate enemy's first timing, with lend this to predict to greatly get one on American stock market is very easy, know western financial tycoon Luo Si firewood Er the virtuous household finally establishes today's position be depend to compare other people a prophet way Waterloo the result of battle.The western America fights Related articles:

