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Chapter 224 dog urgently jumps a wall
Although Zhang Ji admits to just cure illness for drama ambition,Luo's sun on the contrary didn't become nervous at the moment, he listenned to come out, great physician since says so, affirmation is the method with solution.Indeed as expected, listens to the great physician seem Hey Hey the ground smiled several voices and lightly said:"Zhong view!Your skill my nature is clear, this matter also really in your ability outside!So I intend to let the Yan son together walks with you!"
"Do not go!""Do not go!"
Two ring out at the same time from the silk outside inside the Lian the opposed voice, is exactly two Tu sons of the great physician Zhang Ji and Yan son.Zhang Ji says with anxious look:"Teacher!The age of Yan son is too young, this Mr. Xi Tong Hua De's disease afraid of Yan son the processing don't come over!Not if still invite teacher instruction Tu son a period of time, let Tu son to is Mr. Xi Tong Hua De medical treatment!"Zhang Ji is original and then has no interest towards staying at Zhang Jia, now Zhang Jia Chu mishap like this, even his parents all not at, wait until processing to finish Zhang Jia's affair, Zhang Ji also not intend again stay, simply prepare to follow Luo's sun to return to calculate!
And in the Yan son in the silk Lian is also spoke his/her own reason:"Teacher!The Yan son can not leave you!Your Be getting older, nearby need person's care!If I walked, is that teacher not a person stay here?Don't go!I don't walk!"
See Zhang Ji and Yan son 2 people to take turns to speak opposed reason to the great physician, on the contrary the Luo sun waits a person at the moment and then dided not talked again so much, can be to back a part and waited for them teacher and pupil 3 people negotiate a result to come out.Wait Zhang Ji and Yan son 2 people to say a long time, but is discover own teacher didn't say a words again, all is to involuntarily stop down and led in a short while, listen to the great physician slightly sigh a way:"Zhong view, in fact you not at of these several years, the medical skill of Yan son has already got my true oral tradition!Her natural endowments once had it than you but all and!Unless she is a daughter's body, only afraid the achievement in future can't compare your China uncle Shi is very bad little!"
The words of great physician but make Luo's sun much shocked, China within great physician uncle Shi, the nature was the China Tuo that indicates to spread history!The great physician unexpectedly says Yan son this a lie fair sex can peter last China Tuo?This lets Luo's sun some Lians that don't dare to believe ground to looking at silk ascend that lovely figure!
But is equally surprised with Luo's sun Zhang Ji but is to soon resume to come over, is this cousin's natural endowments to him, he pours to early listen to teacher to once bring up and just has never thoughts her to unexpectedly grow up so quickly.However he also knows that his own teacher talks a be a, two be two, absolutely can't Chan the least bit humidity, by so doing, he the previous reason also not establish.But connect down, great physician and then say to the Yan son:"Yan son!Also know for teacher, these in the last yearses guard at Zhang Jia, also all for looking after my this old headman!However you are after all still young!Not ability for the sake of I this old headman but held up your youth!"
"Not!Teacher!The Yan son has no compunctious of!These years are in the teacher nearby, the Yan son is very happy!"Although the circumstance that can not see inside the clear silk Lian, from print in the shadow of silk Lian and then can see come out, the Yan son by now kneels at great physician in front."Beg teacher!Never kick out Yan son!"
"Silly kid!"With just treated Luo's sun, Guo Jia totally different, the attitude of great physician to Yan son is like a Ci father general, gentle and softly said:"At present Zhang Jia already unlike get several year agos, this bastard of Zhang Huan already Zhang Jia thoroughly to fish out!If I didn't guess wrong of words, this Luo's adult comes to Zhang Jia today, necessarily will force that bastard's dog urgently jump a wall!"
Listen to the great physician suddenly brought up Zhang Jia's mishap, Zhang Ji hurriedly asked a way:"Teacher!Actually this what matter?My father and mothers are how to dies!"Zhang Ji is with full intention interrogative to the oneself parents' dead, according to reason, this has own of the teacher at, how to also impossibly and suddenly die of illness his parents!If not is to die of illness, that his parents' cause of death that is worth doubting, especially and again know Zhang Huan unexpectedly be last Zhang Jia's lord in the house!
"Zhong view!This matter exactly is how, think to your heart in have already had viewpoint as well, why the need for come to ask more again again?"The great physician also just returns to Zhang Ji Yi's, immediately again is say to the Yan son:"Yan son!Sent down with others poison in those early years for the teacher Shi, the this present life no longer stepped this small hospital one step!So aftertime is a teacher also not ability heel at you was nearby!There is at the right moment a Zhong view coming with this Luo's adult today!You then let him go to!"
"But!Teacher!I ……"obviously Yan son to a decision is still a different idea of the great physician, the positive desire continues to disagreement.
"Go!Settle so!"However great physician is have no again let the meaning that the Yan son says to descend, but directly yelled to stop Yan son, immediately again is say to Luo's sun:"Luo's adult!Worthless old man these two disciples all handed over to you!"
"E?!Please trust!To Mr. Zhang and Yan son miss, at under will never dare to neglect!Is certain to receive they if guest of honor!"Play trick, one is to in the future cure saint, one is also the fairy that has to have a potential than curing saint to cure, there are these 2 people at didn't equal manies nearby two lives!Besides according to the words of great physician, have Yan son aside, that drama ambition just can develop his clever strategy again, Luo's sun isn't a fool again, how can brush-off?
Declare to Luo's sun, the great physician seems to have no reaction, but the Yan son that towards nearby put to put a hand and said:"Yan son!You and attach an ear to come over, tell you some keys of the medical treatment Mr. Xi Tong Hua De's diseases for teacher!"Connect down, public listen to not pure they the words of teacher and pupil a pair.
Led a long time, haven't waited Yan son to come out, stay by the side in the outside of Dian Wei but is to suddenly rush to come in, embrace a boxing to drink a way to Luo's sun:"Lord male!Outside occupy!"
Luo's sun and Guo Jia et al listenned to is all eyebrows at the same time on picking, after previous Dian Wei once is come person who make collective report Zhang Huan, Luo's sun guesses Zhang Huan's affirmation is acting!Just great physician also said, Zhang Huan necessarily wanted a dog to urgently jump a wall and saw to return is really such!Right away Luo's sun woulds be to turn head to say to Huang Zhong:"The man rises an elder brother!You stay in the room to look after everyone!I and the Dian Wei go out and see!"
Huang Zhong Yi listens to where be willing to promise, although the artistic skill of Luo's sun isn't weak,Luo's sun is after all a person list power thin, can not have what somehow!Huang Zhong Mang is to come forward to block Luo's sun to say:"Do not go!Lord male!Or I and the Dian general go out!"
Luo's sun can ignore so many, directly is a to greatly move forward and then hurtle to door, to Huang Zhong Han's way:"The man rises an elder brother to talk more!Hand over to you here!Dian Wei!Go out with me!"
"Re!"Dian Wei should 1, would be to lift close behind Luo's sun of a rightness of irons Ji to go out.Huang Zhong temporarily has no to in time block Luo's sun, can helplessly send back inside the building.
Is a door, listen to from the hospital unauthorized biography come of before a burst of quarreled a voice, in the room but is don't hear action at all, saw to is this house to contain the cause of special soundproof effect.Luo's sun full face the dark ground pulled out a waist a double-edged sword and drank 1 to the Dian Wei:"Dian Wei!Follow me!I pour the dog brave that to see this pieces Huan to arrive what situation!"No matter how it is say, oneself after all still the Jing state sting history, this piece Huan after knowing perfectly welling his/her own identity, dare to also begin, this lets Luo's sun is also not from must angry!
Dian Wei that complete mystery nature will not say more what, but close behind Luo's sun be toward the hospital doorway hurtle pass by.The color of the sky is already an one utter darkness at this time, and outside in the hospital door is that the lights is bright, doesn't know how much person that Huan called as well.However seeing appearance Zhang Huan is to don't know that fanlight poison in the hospital has been already been solved, so hasn't sent a person to intrude into.
Luo's sun also ignores so many, walk to hospital doorway, starting to fly a feet were direct to open a hospital door to the Chuai, with 2 people of Dian Wei directly be hurtled to go out.Sees outside the hospital doorway and closely rounded one big slice of person, little say to also have 100 people, all of a s are to hold weapon, seeing the appearance, this Huan is to don't intend to let Luo the sun wait a person on the hoof leave Zhang Jia Da Dun's hospital!
Luo's sun and Dian Wei so a blunt, pour is guard at outside of those people to get a fright, however soon they resumed to come over, a pair of pairs are full of the eyes dead dead of killing the idea to stare at Luo's sun and Dian Wei, their main sons like,etcs one makes bottom, will toward Luo's sun kill pass by!And their main son, Zhang Huan of every family piece's lord of Cuan Duo, at the moment also just under the protection of one stem family servant stand on the crowd in the center.BE seeing a moment of Luo's sun, flash across of face one silk dismay, however soon turn again the full face is ferocious.
Luo's sun saw one eye Zhang Huan, sneer way:"Mr. Zhang Huan!You entertainment like this' pouring is fanciful!Doing not know as well is some whether can take it!"
For the Ji Feng of Luo's sun, Zhang Huan's imitating a Buddha don't hear general, but hideous smile way:"Luo's adult,beats by dre uk!This can no wonder that mean person to adult disrespect!Really is the family affairs that the adult should not participate Zhang Jia!The mean person has no alternative and have to this inadvisable plan!"
"Ha ha ha ha!"Luo the sun Nu Be the most anti- to smile, this piece Huan What an one mean person with sheer!Flash across of the face of Luo's sun one silk despise and hum a way:"Good!Like 1 have no alternative!Mr. Zhang Huan!You begin to me now, not afraid station in the south those tens of thousands officers and mens in the sun city after knowing, will you this very not easy Qie come of Zhang Jia give Yi is flat ground!"
Listen to Luo's sun say so, many many grudges of Zhang Huan's face, hum a way:"Is afraid!I certainly fear!So, for coping with the cavalry of Luo's adult, I only go and live with Yuan adult and ask for help of then the troops of Yuan adult can protect my Zhang Jia!"Was full of hatred in Zhang Huan's words poison, obviously he hurl depend on others is also pay many prices, but all these, Zhang Huan all blames on Luo's sun.
"Yuan adult?"Luo's sun listens to this form of address, in the heart not from get a tight, the double eye Mi became 1 to sew, cold hum a way:"Can let the Yuan adult that open lord of every family piece respects thus, this perhaps only 2 people!Don't know that what Mr. Zhang Huan points is originally a Yuan a beginning?Or Yuan highway?"Although Luo's sun asks so, in fact the in the mind of Luo's sun have already had answer.Previous this south sun county is always occupied by the Yuan Shu, Be south sun of first household, Yuan Shu and Zhang Jia is not likely to have no friendly intercourse, see to Zhang Huan go and live with of, must be a Yuan Shu!
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