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How should getting Republican party handle?Certainly, I want to declare 1:00 first, I of so don't accept them right away, is because be worried that Democratic Party will oppose, and after our approval, come out to battle out an excellent federal party talented person with us.Now, everyone said your opinion!"The Kang cypress directly asks public.
This time high personage's meeting inside the party, only have minister of finance Mo Li Si and the war minister sand benefit text, chief Lord Chancellor Pete Wilson and attorney general wheat Di lousy, pair minister of finance man airtight Er etc. is several people.Noble president Franklin and part far the high personage inside the party in other parts of country, don't take part in.
"Is beyond all doubt, president Franklin and social public opinion are all paying attention to the affair of federal party now, if we accept their to join political party an application, may make people feel is that we are snuffing out a small and weak political party, attempt to practice despotism, equally may lead to democracy personage and other pay attention to check and balance of the personage's disaffection, may push the people's support to small and weak Democratic Party when the time comes that part."Pete Wilson directly shakes head.
Although have never definitely said to oppose, the meaning in his words, is oppose beyond doubt.
"Is to isn't dictatorial, it is to isn't existence to not is to see that deviationist strong or weak, but see dictator, our Republican party undoubtedly is a political party of democracy, there is no dictator.Do people how can have the viewpoint of this aspect?I feel to accept a few federal party elitists appropriately, should be can.And key BE, passed up this opportunity, we wanted again to annex by force federal party, impossible any further."The wheat Di of the father of constitution is lousy to say with a smile.
He pays attention to law and also sees very clearly to the current news, feeling should have no necessity to worry.
Their 2 people announced an opinion right away, but the others are all wrinkly eyebrows, including minister of finance Mo Li Si, all shake to say this affair not say.
Connect the airtight Er of the man that usually like to be expressional, also know this affair too important, careful of mean that he sees accept and don't accept, is all that the gains or losses is each to have half of affairs, reallying hard to say clearly should choose which good.

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The cypress really thinks that the high personage gets an opinion there from these, but they know to this, obviously also just as many as he, meet to have no achievement this time.
"Probably we should ask the opinion of president Franklin.As an experienced and steady president, and then is the key figures of our Republican party, he the opinion in this aspect, in fact go to a pass importance."End Mo Li Si still reminded that the Kang cypress is for a while.
The Kang cypress understood Mo Li Si's meaning right away, this time because have already decided to let Franklin as the presidential candidate of next Republican party, don't want to make him draw in the affairs that may arouse community objection.However for large didn't become the Republican key figures of presidential candidate to say, since had already decided to be enjoyed the recommendation right of Republican party by Franklin, that is on this affair, he equally should undertake risk as well.
At the beginning decide that Franklin is the next president's candidate, inside Republican party is have a consistent opinion, but unanimously agree with not and mean privately have never resented to read, a lot of key figures in fact still have a little you in power you have to be the viewpoint of responsibility.
Once Mo Li Si put forward, the other key figures agree with in succession.
Is public with one mind, the Kang cypress also has no way, immediately decides to see Franklin together and asks for order from him the opinion in this aspect.
Arrived Franklin there, his answer big outstanding person accident:
"Everyone just at see how to handle the federal party can bring the biggest benefits to our Republican party, actually I to feel, you completely need not consider so.Even if federal party and Democratic Party unite this time, also very difficult win our Republican party in the middle of respectively electing.So everyone now as long as see how to handle federal party, become more beneficial to political situation and then go."
Don't know whether seeing those key figures has already pulled his watering ground meaning, Franklin also has no to announce a truely decisive opinion for the problem of federal party.
And like this put in the answer of national position, really personality according to Franklin, just absolutely can not make the high person of Republican party satisfied.At least in their eyes, in addition to having to be beneficial to political situation, still keep having the initiative to want the benefits that can promise oneself and Republican party most importantly.
The Kang cypress arrives is right away should come down:
"Is quite good, the words of president Franklin, is truely and for the country people's consideration."
This time federal party ground opportunity.The advantage that at last sends to come, Kang cypress for the advantage like this, is also be in the light of can take and then take, can not get hold of even if of idea.
Republican party in nowadays has been very huge, Kang cypress originally was just preparing to carry on to reshuffle to the whole political party, chase original of club form, change more the organization turned of organization.Establish Secretariat.Or say to is an organizations like secretary,beats by dre uk,etc, to the party member and the party duty, carry on managing an etc. more availably.Now if suddenly join a new member, reshuffling affirmation wills bother a lot, even is probably aroused intramural fight in the he or she's party by these people.
There isn't any enthusiasm in the Kang cypress, Franklin lets again the circumstance that the key figures take national interest as to weigh under, annex by force the best opportune moment of federal party this time.Is definite so quiet of drive wrong past.
At drag along several in the days to come, haven't waited Kang cypress formally reply to turn the federal party person of party for those requests, federal party there of second be Si and Washington, finally make a reaction.
For solidifying federal party ground all members, at the same time also for replying to connect down cure of success not big presidential campaign, second was Si and Washington to carry on a great deal of work, reshuffled federal party by the means of iron wrist.
First is all party members have to register register, and loyal to stricter party discipline is a chapter.If who dare abandon federal party on the time in federal party calamity, from now on will definitely become the whole enemy of federal party.On the organization, establish various more normative jobs, such as chairman Dang and general secretary...etc., carry on a management to the whole party.Declare at the same time, will recommend Washington and second be Si partner, as positive deputy president candidate of federal party, take part in United States of America for the second time presidential election.
These have compulsive but again very effective measure a come out.Immediately let the federal party morale greatly flap.
Can join federal party.It also is all elite of each stratum.They to the prospect of federal party always is see very much okay, now some kind of changes of federal party.If change in Democratic Party may lead radical pro-demoncracily disaffection, put in the federal party, but just show party member this party to develop a ground of hope.
Big parts of persons are very quickly law-abiding to come down, no longer discuss is to join Republican party, still keep cooperating with Democratic Party.Being a little amount to choose to leave federal party ground is also basically some opportunists, the federal party doesn't value to the their leaving, others to they is to like very much.
Federal party this is some kind of to quickly reshuffle down, but make Republican party and Democratic Party all caught unprepared.
Hero Fu is lousy and Kang cypress, the hearts all have the idea to swallow Republican party.Is unexpectatively second to be Si and Washington, will use thus resolute and tough way, let the federal party acquire a freshman.Two parties originally because each other have scruples about, not dared lead off make moves member who annex by force the federal party, at this time want again to make moves, but already late.Those persons who escape from federal party are basically some partieses that ride a wall, the root can't be valued to usher in an elite, the talented person's two parties accept.
Hero Fu is lousy how respond, the Kang cypress cans not know, but Kang cypress oneself, really annoy very serious.
Passed up this opportunity, wanted again to annex by force federal party, at least be waiting again the next time presidential election for four years.However is since already accomplished fact now, Kang cypress also no longer pursue, directly and sincerely of to Washington and second be Si, celebrate the freshman of this federal party.As for those federal party members once requested to turn the letter of party, then was directly locked into the deepest place of drawer by him.Is simply to no longer take care of the affair of federal party, Anne has peace of mind heart to make reshuffling of his/her own Republican party work.
Probably from the crisis of federal party, saw the dangerous situation of oneself, plused federal party formal Related articles:

