
cheap beats by dre flows tear falls

The bureau chief made a phone call and educated a bureau chief to come over to hand over to treat a president in person.Otherwise the little boy can not enter this school, because this school is the school of this best area.
Send to the little boy a not only beauty for coming to school on that day, is 3 woman comes over together, the little boy calls their Yi Yi.
Just before walking, an among those icy Yi Yi, also embraced little boy to kiss quite a few bottom, seem she is this kid's close mama similar.
The little boy repeats the contents that the teacher speak 1 time, there is almost no mistake.
The teacher listenned to dumbstruck, she absolutely could not believe a kid who has a class to take a nap, can speak to come from F once speak of contents, this a kid is still a kid?Can't be the demon turns a life time of?The teacher finally knows this kid not to is to don't listen to, but he has already completely controled these knowledge to order.For the child prodigy like this, the teacher was also helpless, had to wry smile to write to let the little boy sit down.
This matter after, teacher's hasing a class didn't ask him any further.Because this is wasted other kids drive the opportunity for asking, the teacher can't do so.Again afterwards, the kids of whole class all know that this boy's intelligence quotient that enters new student is the highest, seems to have gifted with photographic memory skill.
Only cloud breeze in the sky knows by himself/herself, he is doing exercises in gymnastics.It is what mother teaches to him, say that father saved her with this effort in those early years a lot of times.Beat bottom in cloud mind with young and small breeze in the sky thus of print to record, as long as do a good mother to teach to own skill, beat a bad person for the in aid of mother.
Chapter 85 to save a quasi- wife
The for-rent car flies to soon drive, Wang Feng still keeps shutting eyes.His circumstance is like a nap very much, so the driver didn't also care.
"Does the front have a branch road?"Wang Feng suddenly asks a way.
"Yes, front that street corner goes toward left walk, is to lead to E City to go, go toward right then go to peach blossom country villa.That country villa is very famous, arrived tour peak season, must schedule to 7 days in advance, there is otherwise no room."The driver side drives car, the side introduces the scenery here for Wang Feng.
"That we hurry into country villa to go, the sooner the better."Wang Feng says.
The peach blossom country villa a room inside, a few men stand on the house in the center.Looking at be put to pour at the woman on the bed, a men ruthlessly say:"You don't want to be shouting, here, you are to shout to break throat nobody to also save you.Wait a meeting, you are getting more comfortable, elder brother how many make you taste what make the desire fairy desire die of taste, you be not still virgin?The elder brother is a few dry of time will lightly order of, shout you also that time shout just satisfy, Hey Hey."
"Put me quickly, otherwise a short while my boyfriend come and have you good-looking.He will make you living not equal to dead of."What Yan Wen says is Wang Feng, she knows this man will some efforts, scare several individuals.
"TMD, the Yes are to frighten big?"A men in anger say, the desire is come forward to beat a Yan text.Be pulled by a person, the man said:"A short while she honesty, bind she to the bed first, clap a point first**.BE, elder brother Lu."
"To, take photo first.While doing, a short while is recording image.Everybody records, we hereafter spread to the net to it up, show everyone policewoman of**kind."The Yin road Yin says with smile, " good, begin."
"Etc., I with your company measure for a while, put me, you need what condition, I promise you, you know that I talk to count, my father is the vice- bureau chief of police department, he can make you safely leave this city.My boyfriend has plenty of money, you open a price, he remits money to your account for the meeting up, how?"The Yan text pleadingly says, she knows that she doesn't do so, have no opportunity any further.
"Elder brother Lu, there of did money come to hand?"One takes phototimer man to ask a way.What they concern is money, there is no money, have what make a head.Doing so for the sake of a women is unworthy, and this woman not just general woman,cheap beats by dre, she is the vice- big captain of criminal police big brigade, if make them catch, deathless must also pick 1 F skin.
The Yin road turned head to see that person's one eye, some in anger say:"They have already got ready money, your person and car how?"
"They are connecting money location, see how to make money to walk smoothly."A man who takes a camera says.
"Like, those money I is yours to am what penny don't want."The Yin road eyes inside Shan wears deceitful ray of light.
Wang Feng gets off and lets the driver wait him over there, he directly turns over a wall but goes into.Walk up a building door, the inside is a bit empty, Wei in the door all have no.Don't know those people to ascend which go to, the straight up building of Wang Feng Jing.
Cautiously listen, suddenly open eyes, the facing second floors rush.
The Yan text is bound on the bed, several individuals don't listen to her shout, or her advise Zu, different meeting, leaves underwear pants still on the body.
Clothes is an each and every item takes off, the process isn't taken photo and be recorded image.She can shut beautiful eyes, bearing with will soon arrive of ruthlessness devastation.She has already prepared to bite tongue to commit suicide and want ~only them is that matter to the do-it-yourself, she carries out last a recruit.
"Your these bastards doesn't die a natural death, I am to do ghost to can't pass yours, either."The Yan text shouts oneslef hoarse ground to shout a way.The Yin road is about to untie her bra, drive she this is feel anger to greatly drink, frightenned several people a jump.
The Yin road just a little once returned to order absolute being, the Yin said with smile:"You are to die, I also want crafty your corpse, and advising you had better be recruited to threaten me with this as well as really wanted to die.Wait our joy and finished, how do you die to all go.Come, see in hide thing have much big, if let to enjoy slowly as for words that is enough big, if as for words that is small, interest in the nothing important.However the shape that accidentally sees you, it should be very greatly just right.Hey Hey."Finish saying, want to continue to stretch hand back to unbutton to her.
"You don't want to touch me, bastard!"The words sound still declines, only one that listens to "Mao" is huge to ring, and originally and thoroughly the door flew.
Several people are been frightened to death, haven't waited they to respond to come over, an individual is blunt to come in.Is several to put forth effort, do several individuals all pour on the ground to hum.
The Yan text opens widely eyes and frightenedly looking at all these.Until see pure is Wang Feng, the eye inside finally flows tear falls.
Wang Feng also neglects her to shed tears and unties the cordage of her hand and foot, Yan text freedom.She sits all of a sudden and see Wang Feng is lookinging at her, 2 people's a rightness of eyes, the Yan text is greatly abashed under, rush toward into Wang Feng's bosom, weep aloud.
This makes Wang Feng very embarrassed and embrace also not BE, not embrace also not BE.
The Yan text suddenly smiled again, he felt Wang Feng at this time being like a wood stake son more.Raise head, the Yang rises a face and get to Wang Feng's mouth in person all of a sudden up.
So, 2 people start to connect to kiss.
They basically have never taken care of to lie at several individuals on the ground and very darkly and wildly kiss.After finishing kissing, Wang Feng will scatter to pick up at the clothes on all sides and pass to the Yan text, this declares sky fearlessly not afraid in those early years to pry somebody else's boyfriend famous beauty, but feel ashamed.Wang Feng takes advantage o time that she wears clothes and uses only skill in the door to faint a few guy dozens, there is no one or two hour, they are to come to however.
Wang Feng immediately gives numb beautiful make a phone call, said the circumstance here 1 time.Is numb beautiful always and the Yan will be martial together, she knew, the Yan would be martial naturally also knew, knew that the daughter saves, Yan will run off tears in the martial eye was only secretly wiped off by him.When the noodles that wears a few female kids, flow tears still not drive everyone's joke.
The Yan text wears good clothes, Wang Feng also tieds up several individuals and have throw on the bed of, have still on the ground of, also have 1 be thrown in the hallway.The Yan text sees him do like this, suddenly think happy, but endured, wanted oneself just of danger, get angry.Walk to come forward to go to, toward that Yin road wildly flat.
"Go, he already collapsed and fainted, you how beat all not painful of, save labor-saving spirit, spoilt daughter of a rich family."Wang Feng looking at a Yan text to vent and thought of her at the beginning the business in hotel, beat this still having of the person at that time numb beautiful.The sister a pair is also like her now so, toward this unlucky guy malicious Chuai.
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