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 Chapter 95 Ba must pretty, bear not to get vexed
Celebrate a local database transport department, is a national territorial inside the most famous independent Kingdom, although the officials are all sent since then by Kyoto, because of far in Chiang-Nan, and oneself inner part of the temptation is too many, in spite of is foreign He Ji officials, till the last, all will drive this huge but captivating gold nest to assimilate, the officials who inspect a hospital are probably O.K. some,transport the officials of department inner part,have already become one of the support of this independent Kingdom, no one would like to inside the database take place a D to order variety.
Which afraid at present the aim idea in his majesty, let inside the database from letter the sun grew to transfer the bosom of fan Ti's department in the princess' hand, these inside database the officials although when long princess more than 10 year, confidant, how don't be afraid of Fan Jian's arrival as well.They wish as long as the superficial effort worked well and thought that necessarily little adult Fan can't move, either inside the root of database, one dynasty Emperor one courtier this kind of cheap trick should can't present to public.
Inside what is the root of database ?Isn't those Kingsoft silver the mountain isn't those the worker of the coolie isn't the businessman of outer circle, but the deluxe craftsman and the department databaseses of three greatest workshops.
Inside database three greatest workshops are distributed to Chiang-Nan various state, A shop is responsible for producing a glass product and requests the highest handicraft product to the accuracy, porcelain goods, expensive go to the perfume of pole, steamed and steam of famous strong drink, also have a lot ……but be like a glass product this type of, and then can expand into numerous merchandises, in fine can named after a luxury goods production company.
But the B shop Be then responsible for mass-producing cotton, gauze, study a rice to grow, create a good steel, important event production ……of first industry with the matching of second industry gather, mainly is produce to live data.
C shop but watch the most severe work shop in three greatest workshops, Be here responsible for producing ships, and military authority demand of advanced arms.Is for example black the ground riding currently an equipment Be agile to connect Nu, be is provided by this work shop of, and more far some places, inspect a hospital three with inside the research department of database be still not doing stop to develop to catch fire a medicine, just ever since that time leaf's house open the beginning of workshop, the developing of explosive seems and then walks up a false truth, with as for inspect a hospital currently can take cartful explosive as well when the cannon makes.But don't invent a hot weapon.Doing not know to is the intelligent practical ability shortage that celebrates a son people of country is still that surname leaf ground woman, once made what bad.
The three greatest workshops are just a parlance of thick Shu, and this relatedly produces countless, star Luo is spread densely to the ground of the north of Fujian province, constantly and constantly produce goods, again lift goods through the civil businessman, retail go toward north together, east Yi, small various Hou country and ocean outside of wild Kingdom in, greedy and dashingly lay hands on the whole Qian Liang of world, at the same time also better quality of life.Is more luxurious enjoy to spread the whole world.
At leaf's house in those early years drive database inside the income behind, although each industry was subjected to tremendous impact,each industry looses Ze particularly at, and the all levels department databases also really take out many intelligence and promote the industry of leaf's house, this curve comes to an a Feng value in 17 year agos, the whole public finance income that celebrate a country, unexpectedly have 40% come from inside database, just at nearer year of, this number just a little bit some backwater.However still is celebrate a country biggestly public finance source, the in common use phrase of set sentence some life time, inside the database is push to celebrate a country onward desire motor.
Is positive because take charge of database this kind of out of the run officials, for inside the production of database has a count for much function.Plus the long princess is a to walk with the scheme the woman of world, be not good at long also despise in use to open the mountain long-handled sword carries on a management, so so some in the last yearses, various situation mutually folds and lets to take charge of the databases to become a batch of bureaucrats of celebrating the most special country.
Inside database's rock-bottom worker Zheng not how much , even connect to be responsible for the officials of management also rather what overbearing, only take charge of the databases, at bigly salary outside.Still enjoy every kind of subsidy of title, and various bonus of each kind.There in no don't say to is long princess' high pay to keep the result that the wolf brings, and also with imperial government these in the last years management ground disorder relevant.
Take charge of the databases at inside the database transport take charge of 1 ground and really have some to be like soil emperor, although they are superficially not as overbearing as.But the dark underneath eats to button up to take a silver, the dish shells a worker.Money that will acquire goes toward Sa in the open countryside through the money shop of outer circle, at periphery of big state in already many lands in dish, as for therein use how much shameful means, can not know.Moreover these department databases at inside bully the bottom layer worker in the database, deceit male the Ba female's affair, also have no little do.
A little bit deluxe department database still pays attention to some faces, those win the class department about 30 years old database then nakedly shameless, Fan Jian checks at the mid-night of a department database, the in home unexpectedly raised 12 building a keep women!But those year however 20 a keep women are how to comes ……who can say clearly?Knows to all year by year have a worker to cause trouble, as for suing in court the ground is more countless, just inside database special, usually these bitter main basics for suing in court not inside database, even if by luck arrived city ground in Suzhou, also be always made down by the imperial government paste.
Giving offense to a law-abiding people matter is small, give offense to take charge of a database matter big, this is the consensus of road the officials of Chiang-Nan.
Hence when is lately a-term is making inside the database transport department, imperial envoy adult Fan Jian got to Fujian province northern Ya door behind, those bottom layers workers and common people who keep in mind to engrave bone old grudge to the department databases, have never beaten a drum to voice grievances any further, but the front doors that the inhospitality looking at place in the Ya door, flash across in the eyes wear Yin fire.
Light of fire a now, the voice of the firecrackers your work, the red scraps covers with to dance in the wind in, the database transport in the north of Fujian province takes charge of a Ya door of the center door slowly draw back, several officials' wearing is taking, at tiny smoke of smell in file in but go into, divide row 2 lines, toward just in-between of the young officials Be polite to salute.
Imperial decree, please clear sword, bright clear imperial envoy identity, talk pure take care of stand rule, Fan Jian looking at a hall under of these inferiorities, are one Na the hands, say:"Sit."
"Thank adult to grant."Inside many officials of database tidy up dress Shan to sit down, in the Ya the chair isn't enough, so some officials of bottom classes all stand at after side, public looking at little adult Fan of the moderate smiling face of noodles, the at heart is originally tiny to settle, and didn't also see inspect those cruel as predatory animal Kyotos in the hospital officer, originally slightly some brains of vigilances, immediately relaxed down.
Fan Jian squints downwards a square to see, very easily and then in many officers, find out the object that oneself opens a mountain earthquake tiger.
Touch around 56 people bottom, there are three complexions dark, be dressed in to often take, the waist belt fastens tightly and extremely and respectfullly and sincerely sits at that, just these 3 people obviously have no official position in the body, but sit at many officers in, and a see shape.Be usually come in and go out the person of work shop.
Fan Jian particularly the sharp-eyed , from the other party that looked like respectfullly and sincerely, sawed one silk Man don't care and to own light scraps.That is 1 kind to have bottom spirit very much ground the expression show unintentionally-he is tiny tiny on smiling, sink Du Yin malicious certainly can't be incensed by the expression of the other party such as him, just the other party since drive long the princess kept so for several years, oneself wants to completely control inside the database.Canning not help must also knock them.
Lay aside those 3 people first, spoke with officials of everybody the meaning of some kind of imperial governments, again with sit at oneself most right hand square of the military authority represented to chew the fat two, the officials is distant relatives in leaf's house in this soldier,
Although leaf's house at present seem be forced by the his majesty to two emperor son part, because the leaf works properly the existence of son, this marvellous person, Fan Jian's relationship with leaf's house still once calculated of go, so that leaf's house will get to Fan Jian is also particularly respect, want necessarily is a family in city to once have what order.
All the etc. public affairs says ground about, the Fan Jian sudden calmed down down.Lifted a tea bowl to drink an one mouthful.
Celebrating the country didn't carry the rules that the tea sees visitor out, many officers knew that adult Fan must want to speak important words, all calmness come down, public have already known by the side of the big river up, in wharf bamboo shed in Suzhou, little adult Fan's inaugural address was very already surprised the whole officials of Chiang-Nan road, to his hair words today, unavoidably some curious.
"Inside the database is really a very marvellous place."
Fan Jian says with a smile.
Many officers also compensate to smile, that pair makes to gather together an interest to say:"The ground of wilderness.Have of just knock to beat, although make heart,win at different."
Fan Jian also smiled:"This officer thinks of so is marvellous, is because ……is this time to receive an aim to go down south.Each time through 1 ground, but any officer opens a Ya bright clear identity, there is local bitterness lord in the head quarter knock the drum to voice grievances, speech way many illegal matter to local officials ……did not expect now son to open Ya half day already, a so big place, unexpectedly connect a common people of last book all have no."
Many officers one Leng, stomach Fei way you go in secret to go down south all the way and have voicing grievances of fart!But Fan Jian says so.Words after having definitely, not from lifted heart.
Fan Jian this words are certainly to talk nonsense, just leads son:"The this officer's great feeling is delighted, inside the database manage at the associate of everybody under, unexpectedly is that the one is pure clear.Having no is illegal of matter, really rare."
Many officials face ascend a hot.Connect to call not to dare or not.
Fan Jian also has no black face, just say with a smile:"But there is one Chun question again, don't know is inside the database really have no problem, still ……some officials officer Weis too heavy, with as for common people's the workers even if the heart contains complaint, don't dare to come to say to listen to with this officer as well?"
This words didn't pay attention to too much, is to nakedly prepare to reach a person the pair of type is with the offense ground, many officials are in spite of factional, all is inside database local officer, the at heart is one Lin, then born several silk bad impression, wish even if you want to burn three fires and can not use this kind of absurd skill, either?With the pair make for head,Cheap Beats By Dre, many officials in succession row, loudly say:"The adult breaks to have no this matter and break have no this matter."
Fan Jian lowers the head to go, the finger lightly rubs to think to lately sew good cuff of sleeve and asks a way:"Break to have no He Shi?This officer hears these in the last yearses and owe the underneath worker's salary in three greatest workshops many, the year ago even once made an important event, can have this matter?"
Many officials' one Leng, year ago because of department the database dish shell too fierce, the workers of three greatest workshops really once caused trouble once and also killed two people, this matter son had been being transported a department top and bottom the officials conceal, didn't expect information unexpectedly is spread to Kyoto!But adult Fan since has already spoken, that must be to get definite news, again difficult cover up.
The pair makes to come forward hurriedly and compensates to smile to say:"Year ago funds reflux slightly slow some, the wages delivered three days late just, result those Diao people lend machine to cause trouble and unexpectedly let the three greatest workshops stop one nature's work and brought the loss that can not save for imperial government, so just invite a leaf after transport department negotiate three will suppress some kind of, have no a too many human lives so much, thinking the recent years pass already, the adult then arrives right away, so have no hasty report."
In fact where late delivered wages, accurate come to say is take charge of the wages that the databases will send down take out too many water, accumulate Nu under, people's anger gradually rises, the workers just start to make a matter.But transport department of the officials don't want to give offense to take charge of a database again, and then don't want that taking out is male medium of the silver repair a debt, so pretend to be ignorant, until affair big, just adjust soldier's suppression.
Fan Jian returns to body with that leaf three said the light body several, this three expose an embarrassed color of noodles, the light tone wants to come to play in this affair in response to the words of role combine not only colourful.
Fan Jian eyebrows a wrinkly, lightly knock a body side the case is several, say:"Everybody adult, this inside database said white and would was a name of shop, only is his majesty ground name of shop, I the name of shop of dynasty in Ta-ching.Since do thing ground, that would is to do thing ground a person most importantly ……trail the worker's wages year by year, who would like to also come to work for you?Even if work again how be willing to work hard?Suffer a los not just imperial government till the last?"
Many officers connect to declare BE, offer suggestion to definitely and strictly shine on behaviour inside the database regulation in the days to come in succession, break the affair occurrence that can't have already born debt wages again, as for in the days to come how.That is to take charge of the databases to make contact with little adult Fan, these officials begs at present this act quicker paste lane past.
Just those threes are dark complexion, the body has no officer take but sit on the person in the chair, the complexion is a bit difficult to look.
"To the utmost say some useless talks."Fan Jian shakes head to sigh a way:"The nature is to can not delay any more to owe hereafter, did that owe before?"
Positive hall in the Ya door immediately sank in to die generally Ji in.
The officials Jing fear to under, don't dare to talk more again, inside database worker tens of thousands, plus to eat a food to live to use, the logistics of drinking clothing material a series, number is also to terrible extent, imperial government give three greatest workshop worker settle ground the wages is extremely big.From it pump water have already become inside one of the sources of database biggest what the officials became rich.If Fan Jian really wants these officials will a little bit ex- years of of deduct to all vomit back, this is really a not small number.
But these officials know it in heart, these people of oneself due to celebrate Lyu with inspect the Jian of hospital to check, so never dare to wear to eat clearly, just take charge of the databases to ascend after eating remain a little bit a ground of small show filial obedience just, adult Fan aims at of, only afraid still those department database.
So many officer ground vision, had intention to all by accident sweep those 3 people a.
Fan Jian is to have never realized the dark wave of an is dashing, the harmony says:"The imperial government always can not owe a son people, a little bit ex- years of of owe to always want to gradually make up deficiencies.Just the affair is a bit complicated, positively is ability not is hasty."
Not the ability is hasty ……many officer's at hearts again a loose, but be frightenned by the next words not light!
"Three day."Fan Jian smiles to stretch out three fingers and hopes many officials to say:"Give everybody adult for three days.The filling all debts comes back to me, owes the underneath worker's wageses to all repair to return to and remembers ……use benefit money in the peace money shop for quasi-."
"Three day is after, if still have a worker to this officer to say his ground here, the wages didn't come to hand."Fan Jian says:"Or say that the inferiorities that make this officer inspect a hospital checked out ……let everybody down, this officer wanted malicious strength son of dewdrop son."
Although he smiles,the officials have already felt that a flavor of cold Lie starts spreading on all sides.
That had been sitting idly to finally sit not to live such as three good friends of vegetable, the noodles took humblely a station to start and say:"Adult.Descend an officer to there are words reporting a report."
"Speak."Fan Jian very had interest ground to see his one eye.
"Bear debt the matter of wages to probably have it,
But the number isn't big, and usually is do a debt not agreeable."That person ha ha say with smile:Kyoto comes, maybe not know these Diao people severe, those people drag along a house to take of come to do work.Clearly is a person to work in the work shop, but he is it happened that to want to report to be three of person.Isn't that we bear debt wages, really is the silver that they want to cheat imperial government."
"Oh?"Fan Jian Yi 1:"Is there still this etc. cheap trick?"
"Yes."That person obviously didn't see the Ji Feng of the language inside of a gossip Fan meaning, delight with unexpected good news say:"Adult, those worker the treacherous Yin is slippery, the battle wears imperial government heartache common people, then dare lion greatly openings, but any some requests can not satisfy, then will be negative go-slow strike and even still have some all the worse guy, unexpectedly is dare in the work preface make secret arrangements, these in the last yearses not know to let the imperial government lose how much silver."
This person one strength son goes toward dirty water the worker's body up sprinkle, not just think Fan Ti takes charge of again how very pure, but after all is that once the officials belong to, how can sit the bottom to the worker there?Is so-called bottom decision head, don't worry you don't stand good brigade.
Fan Jian but in mind sneer at, this words say of …… in the body that common mean oneself all push a worker, but he complexion gravamen, sigh a way:", Surprisingly his majesty the such Ren is clear, these people are incredibly still thus discontented."
That person compensates to smile to say:"Really such, bear debt the matter of wages, after waiteding officer to return to, definitely small and soft check clearly, however those cause trouble a ground of worker also not ability light Rao, the adult doesn't be hoodwinked by these traitor speeches, those people are what things deceitful malicious, really is not."
Fan Jian looking at this person, suddenly wrinkled up eyebrows:"Excuse me, adult BE?"
The pair makes hurriedly at part introduction way:"The main matter officer who is an A shop, Xiao adult."
"Xiao adult?"Fan Jian seems to be a bit shocked, " officer from lord matter in A shop?Take charge of the head of database?"
The three greatest workshops lord matter of that surname Xiao person hurriedly went a gift:"BE exactly next officer."
Fan Jian stares at he saw a long time, suddenly the openings says:"You are only a lord matter.Only is a small department database, the imperial government gave you an out of the run grade, even officer's bodies all have no, how dare to claim to be in this officer's in front ……descend an officer?"
Public one Zheng.
He ground the voice is abrupt however Be cold to come down:"Repeatedly next officer ……you again is which son of officer?The this Ya first time opens the door today, you are only a the lord matter don't wait to spread to ask outside the Ya, incredibly dare greatly the ground go into a hall and dare to also sit an of officer from life in party in government court.Be really ……good earth courage!Dare to ask, you are again what rascal daring thing?"
Hall calmness along while, until lead for a long time, many officials just listen to pure adult Fan ……BE calling names?
Immediately the field bombs of one blasted open a pot, how horrible!After inside database was classified an imperial house all, this be still someone point at the face of the three greatest workshops lord matter to scold Niang for for the first time!After princess at the beginning take up inside the database, the company commander's first time comes to Ya door in the north of Fujian province, to these three the main matter of the three greatest workshops is also well living a gentleness, how this Fan's adult dare the Beatles scold?
That lord matter Xiao adult in A shop also Leng at on the spot, he has never thought adult Fan even if don't halter oneself let it be.Don't do oneself the honor incredibly and thus, scold ground such of fierce!He is stuffy to hum a , the facial expression Be immediately difficult to looked, but toward open"emperor's son", don't dare to say as well what, Xing Xing however one arch hand, make the stuffy voice once be bodhisattva.
"Withdrew his."Fan Jian Shuang's eyeses are one Mi, the eyebrow is wrinkly to become the most good-looking circlet, and the harmony says:"This officer's in front there is no his seats."
"Adult Fan!"That main matter officer explodes with rage.The bottom hasn't got seat, the station kept body afresh, strong suppress heart of exasperation, say:"Don't has gone too far in insult."
Fan Jian basically ignores this person.From drink tea, with body beside complexion embarrassed leaf three will, the pair makes to say gossip.
While speaking, he nearby inspect officials in the hospital have been already descended to go, push that Xiao adult to the part, withdraw his seat.Thus, the affair is getting bigger, the officials of not only underneath all in succession the row say feeling.Even that leaf three will also depress voice to say at Fan Jian Er:"Young master Fan stays some faces for them."
"Stay a face for them?"Fan Jian says with a smile:"Now the son is to exclusively pare their face to come."
Leaf three will a stuffy, don't dare to continue again to talk.
From inside the database open Ya up to now, the main matter of three greatest workshops all has oneself in the Ya door ground seat, the position is special.Always no one humiliates their existence thus and sees an A shop main at this time matter to humiliate.The another two big workshop lords matter also finally sat not to live and started stationed in that Xiao adult nearby, toward Fan Jian Han's voice of head to say:"Now that the adult think has no us in the Ya of seat, not if withdrew together ……anyway three greatest workshop however is some mean persons."
Be not in anger, but is taking three greatest workshops to press a person.
Fan Jian raises head and saw three main matters that the in front station do one row, the smile says:"Certainly want to withdraw together, do you think to also have your positions?The three greatest workshops inside all of the of course nots are mean persons, however the everybody since admits, this officer also then believed."
The three greatest workshops lord matter didn't expect Fan Jian unexpectedly is to at every step close in, the speech didn't stay one silk way out for oneself, this just knew the other party isn't only to want a tree of Wei, unexpectedly want to spare no one, but ……your Fan Jian has what bottom spirit?Really wanted to looking at three greatest workshops Kua not to become?
The three greatest workshops lord matter again then changes in response to the tone of the words of malicious get up:"Adult, don't know three greatest workshops to have to give offense to of place?"
"The dish shells wages, deceit male Ba female, threaten imperial government by skill, disrespect originally officer, certainly ……" Fan Jian stares at 3 people to say:"What you gave offense to isn't this officer, what to give offense to is ground in the three greatest workshops worker, also have the imperial government and world to keep you ten thousand people."
"The desire adds of offense, what suffer from have no Ci."Three main matters are great anger to say:"Adult beginning to transport a department, then without restraint and wildly go thus, I Ta-ching dynasty, really have no rules not become?"
"Rules?This officer woulds be rules."
Fan Jian smiles to wish, certainly this sentence didn't speak, just thoughted of Fan Lao Er is while walking sideways in Kyoto in those early years and liked Mao most of is this malicious words, saw to hold official post with be bludger son similar, don't clearly meet a circumstance disorderly bureau, make some arrogant techniques, always viable.
"Bearer, these 3 people roar a Ya hall and take away for me and beat ten boards first."
Fan Jian puts cup in hand lightly the table is several on, the milli- ignores an auditorium many officials ask for a favor of words, smile to think that oneself just gets a bitterness, Ba must pretty, be some bear not get vexed, where be willing to with many fee arguments of these people.
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