
cheap dr dre beats on of absolute being

Terminated two of my technical ability attacks, but these two technical ability not just common technical ability, my magics were all taken out a half by these two technical abilities, the magic of not so bad oneself resumed enough and quickly.
"Wife!"The eldest brother suddenly called toward the eldest sister-in-law at this time.
"Knew a husband!"Already 2 people's match tacit understanding arrives need not direct elucidation, a look in the eyes is good enough to.
"Is dry will!"
"Mo Xie!"
"Cut a demon!"
"In addition to is evil!"
"Break a soldier!"
"Put~toing death is evil!"
"Put~to death roll of thunder shot in a sky!"
Eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law 2 people double the sword Be crossed to top of head, and then used in handing a mulberry mainland to once use of two absolute being machines supplementary consociation technical ability to attackstone, the another part Huan star dust just in the sky coagulated of a great deal of thunder and lightning of thunder cloud is pulled and dragged by the eldest brother eldest sister-in-law 2 people's consociation skill all of a sudden to come over, the cluster thunder came down toward failed the top of head of absolute being Long Cheng's castellan.
The front is positive and the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan entwine of disorderly dance and Tyrannosaurus, have already felt the danger of top of head, immediately withdraw to fall back back, but after dancing them to fall back back indiscriminately, the first Yong thunder and lightning attackstones failed come down, at the right moment shot at the head of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan up, then toward the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan after death of those robber continue to bomb to keep on hitting.
The double sword matches wall of put~to death for a sky, the first thunder and lightning attack of roll of thunder shot is the strongest attack, strong thunder and lightning's hurting has been unexpectedly beating the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan stuffy at first half meeting, the thunder and lightning on the body continuously jumps up, the top of head floats to have up must of injury, and the thunder and lightning jumps up still on him, therefore still have already kept on injury, just hurt each time more and more small, till the last left several thousand, however at absolute being Long Cheng castellan behind of the robbers Be getting more unlucky, not the robber of the BOSS class basic second kills, at the same time together drive second kill of still have several to not and urgently move out of the way of thou resist Long Tang's brothers, eldest brother eldest sister-in-law of this recruits to unite a skill too strong, although these brothers players real strenght is quite good, but also can not hold up against an attack.
"Tyrannosaurus, we also come!"The disorderly dance sees after the injury that the consociation skill of eldest brother eldest sister-in-law results in, immediately toward nearby of the Tyrannosaurus called to get up.
"Good!"Tyrannosaurus should voice, then immediately worked well attack carriage with disorderly dance.
"Double tiger mountain!"Disorderly dance and Tyrannosaurus at the same time Gao Han, then two weapons on the hands flick to keep on cutting toward the direction of absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, however in order to being apart from a little bit far, their weapon is impossibly and directly harm to that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, but 2 people's weapon top while flicking to cut of, projected two huge fierce tigers, one just the flame constitute of fierce tiger, another then just red tiger shadow, toward the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan rush toward pass by.
That absolute being Long Cheng the scales and shell on the castellan body conduct electricity very much and return a quilt now that thunder and lightning paralyze ground to act, even if canning move can not also move how much, can helplessly looking at those two fierce tigers that disorderly dance and Tyrannosaurus send out to rush toward near.
Those two fierce tigers didn't°yet rush toward medium the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, oneself bumped into first together, then two fierce tigers unexpectedly convert into a body figure more huge fierce tiger, this fierce tiger constitutes the thing that those two fierce tigers own together, the tiger in red copies to plus a body again to up emit of flame, be like a fire tiger of reality.

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Text broken up unreal deathless seven dragonses become chapter 631 plain bloody battle(three)
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Broken up unreal deathless seven dragonses become chapter 63 plain bloody battle
"Roar!!"Is disorderly to dance and Tyrannosaurus unite send out of the double the tiger mountain attack project of two fierce tigers after colliding, combination became a flame tiger, this lately- constituted flame tiger sends out a tiger to roar, then directly rushed toward into the body of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan.
That flame tiger after rushing toward into the body inside of absolute being Long Cheng's castellan then have no action, that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan just still and just and nervously defendoofed that rushing toward of flame tiger shot, by hand in of the gold gun wanted to block a flame tiger down, but although the flame tiger looked to have entity whole body,actually had no entity, therefore the long gun of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan resists some functions all have no, and all can not hold up against a rushing toward of flame tiger together with gold AN on his body into, be directly rushed toward into his body by the flame tiger inside, don't result in any injury.
"H'm?"See disorderly dance and the Tyrannosaurus 2 people's consociation attack, unexpectedly such as some of impressive beginning with poor ending, but the strong vehemence can not result in a little injury, I not from doubt the ground saw disorderly dance and the Tyrannosaurus two per eye, but they 2's seeming to be still is waiting for what, combine a nothing important on the face special of facial expression, only led good short whiles to all have no any variety, connect that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan all some wrong Es, don't understand that flame tiger to rush toward into the back of the oneself's body why have no injury.
"Feed, you are two what attackstone, unexpectedly a little injury all has no."The eldest sister-in-law of another part after seeing that attack that impressive beginning with poor ending, not from ground toward dancing them to put blame on a sentence indiscriminately,beats by dre uk, originally still thinking can effectively kill to harm that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan of, result unexpectedly some matters all have no.
"Admire the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan to see oneself really Be free, roar with laughter, however he hasn't smiled half, send out one to bellow:"
Because the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan sends out of bellow, unexpectedly emit the flame of having the strong crack on his body, burn his the whole bodies all, and still constantly come out injury in his top of head, and hurt each time all not small.
Absolute being Long Cheng flame on the castellan body burned for several seconds.But in this several secondses in, his life but be burned down quite a few hundred million, almost can say that flame burnable ground the life that is the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan.
", Successful."The disorderly dance sets alight with explode a dragon to see absolute being Long Cheng in the castellan body of flame after,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, clapped the next palm celebration mutually, saw to them just the attack of that flame tiger isn't to don't hurt, only this injury drive slowly late, and still slowly late must very serious, unexpectedly drag along tenth, second just have reaction.However attack very strong, general of the words of monster BOSS be perhaps about to be killed by second.Search a book net this attack certainly also not necessarily have so strong injury to each BOSS and probably have something to do with attackstoning the total vitality of target, the total vitality is more many targets, the injury is finally more strong.My attack unexpectedly has quite a few to grow thus of, otherwise with disorderly dance Tyrannosaurus they this recruits an attack, generally BOSS can can not block a to recruit an attack.
"Depend,cheap dr dre beats!"Looking at disorderly dance and the 2 tyrannosauruses injury that person results in to that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, I not from ground interjection, see come from F would not° until strengthen attack also go, otherwise the work far fell in the them, the eldest brother eldest sister-in-law 2 people's consociation skill is so strong, unexpectedly dance indiscriminately is also so strong with the Tyrannosaurus 2 people's consociation skill.
"Explode rain marksmanship!"Take that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan is united the skill attack injury be over by disorderly dance and Tyrannosaurus 2 people ground to respond back, I immediately rushed toward in the past, the sky dragon in the hand became to stab in a row toward the absolute being long Cheng's castellan.Quickly stabbed shot to form numerous gun shadow like explode rain sort attack, almost each gun beat to win the absolute being long Cheng's castellan and quickly stabbed shot to let those bumped a shot voice to almost synthesize one orotund, send out long long of be sound, however absolute being Long Cheng gold AN on the castellan body seem some seal completely too much.In addition to be used by him medium hold up of face, other places I can not stab into and O.K. attackstone to all have several thousand to tens of thousands injuries each time, regrettable even if the amount add, or far and rather dances indiscriminately their consociation skill injury to get many.And continuous sting shot also the anti- earthquake get a my hand some become numb.
"Ba Long Zhen Shen!"The absolute being Long Cheng's castellan again starts to be suffused with golden light all over.All wrapped all over he, unexpectedly shake I to withdraw quite a few to tread at the same time.Fall at in disorder dance nearby not distance, and want to make track for the eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law of shot attack 2 people be also sent back by the anti- earthquake.
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