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Private gold Ni the Ni is wrinkly eyebrows to looking at the main screen of warship bridge and sigh a way:"If that peeps wildly at did so much, his small flying saucer investigated port affirmation to discover a hidden location."Gold Ni the outward appearance of the Ni is as just about as Ni Nuo, also a shorter statures Luo Li, and she seems to be with Ni Nuo to have same foppery to love, like tie into a double horsetail hair style, however her hair and eyes color are all black.
"Speak of, is the peculiar living creature of this neighborhood's returning really many, don't know flavor how."Seriously looking at those is fighting a row warship neighborhood to visit the underwater of the strange form strange form of Yi to livinged living creature at first and send out to let the exclamation that people looked askance at.
"Old elder brother, you be not, these thing so disgusted appearance, do you still want to eat them?"Flank of strict actually peep out the peculiar facial expression of canning not stand his cousin.
"The occupation is just used to, ha ha."Severity ashamedly the head of Nao Nao.
Really the living creatures on all sides not only the shape is peculiar, the head is also very big.There is the strange fish of Zhang claw, only have the abnormal sea of two legs and huge tail the crocodile, point tooth quick of speech huge water snake etc., the great majority a see is a fierce carnivorous living creature.
Lee touches a mumbling way of chin especially:"Although the old Mom and Dad trained my ground before time, the training part of underwater battle was peculiarly less, also didn't really and never once see so many to livinged living creature at first.These living creature I once saw many categories as well before, however the appearance had very different, seemed these in the last yearses to change a lot."
"That we have never walked wrong place, the source livings life physique significant speed biologic nature of evolution, this living creature estimate in the at first livinging of the neighborhood is by dint of biologic of the instinct discovered that here could let they got very obvious to build up, so woulding come together is so many."The Zhao Feng very has the analytical way of its matter.
Back and forth cruised shuttle in this district good short while.The nearby geologic change difference livinged living creature at first more and more.Escort at fight the row warship flagship surroundings ground the small scaled destroyer have to start using a warship to carry weapon to drive out these everywhere number numerously weird living creature.And the war row warship ground the warship carried radar to also finally discover not too clearly a clues.
"This is …….Variation ground history lime king.It blocks up ground, that region very suspicious."Lee's pointing out that to not and obviously see especially will think is common bottom of sea rock strata ground place.Just fought a row warship ground the warship carry radar to scan a , this big guy body to below have the similar cave ground empty place.
Only this variation history lime place of variation king to seem to have to be a little bit unusual.The physical volume didn't increase too many.Present an even flat ball body ground the body only have about two kilometer diameters.However internally its body organization seems the variation became to propagate a wonderfully quickly network-like in shape muscle body of speed organization.
The giant war row warship shot several guided missiles that is large to living a body in a row.Can not result in to it fatal injury.In the underwater can use ground the attack means combine not much.Guided missile and causticity guided missile being only strong to burst sex can rise a function.But all can leave several meters diameter ground wound in its surface.And resume in several minutes such as often.Use Johnson thing deportation the wave is also invalid.This big guy reactions all have no.
"Obvious this guy right and wrong evolves a real estate thing naturally.The source livings a life body certain at its body next cave in."The warship bridge is last and public to all understand this.
"If can use strong fat napalm bomb good.Can definitely burn this guy connect to roll to take to climb ground to move out of the way."It is strict to actually feel sorry for tunnel."How to do.Report group to send morely offensive battleship?"Lee turns an inquiry especially ground this time task leader severity.
The serious Nao wears a head way:" Especially, what weakness does this thing have?"
"Pour is to have, it has a core brain in the body inner part, as long as the shot ruins that it doomed, I once met a similar variation history last time lime king."Lee spoke in detail to deal with that last time especially the history lime king's method.
Considered a short while, seriously change direction three females warrior dragon's way is not:"Your match tries and sees all of a sudden.If don't go to think another way again."
"Zhao Feng" Zhao Feng, "Yai Zi" only dance and"Suan Ni" gold Ni the Ni all order and start to armed to the teeth own variation war A, added some underwater activities assistance system after, leave a warship body to sneak in water, only dance and gold Ni Ni be alongside of before depending, while the Zhao Feng starts transforming a special reformation type the Ci track of"green Long Pao" in the hand to attack by surprise a gun after then dragging along.
"Warship's carrying large weapons can not deal with this guy, they how many women can make what?"It is strict to ask a way actually and very strangely.
Seriously saw oneself's cousin's one eye:"Not warrior dragon geologic change difference war AN all has very specially ability, the appropriate combination can develop very big power.You like a knowledge for a while."
Lee especially although know the warriors dragons don't all have uncommonly ability.See a their 3 people's type, estimate some similar oneself dealt with the military tactics of the variation history lime king who climb the last land before.But still a little bit doubt that their 3 people could attain, knowing this variation history lime could compare Lee to meet last time especially of that was strong many have been already gone to.
But see "Yai Zi" near that variation history lime surface king only dance Gao Ju's hands, whole body of living a body war A's protecting A surfaces be all starting to gleam glory and seem at prepare to put what power super strongly and greatly recruit, however the extremely recruit to also really enough take a lot of time of, fully lead just about minute just see her double a boxing suddenly under the shot.
Then the surface that see that variation history lime king start to be suffused with the light of obvious ripples sort dizzy, then with only the dance shoot of the scope for central point, the organization of that history lime surface king starts apace and gradually a collapse becoming powder, always extension open several hundred meters, the formation foot contains 500 meters diameter and deeply reaches to deep pit of or so circular of 400 meters.That scene's imitating a Buddha is shot a ground by the meteorite to burst a huge pit of general exaggeration.
"The variation war that only dances A" Yai Zi"of the special ability is a formation to break any living body cell of annihilate dint field wave, so for example living creature, living body war A, include to living a body house, living a body warship the ship these words that constitute to°from the cell a ground of object, is in the clout by her boxing feet.Cell the meeting be sent out of annihilate a dint field the wave is compulsive to break, look from the outward appearance seem the collapse smashed similar."Seriously toward a gape of strict actually explanation way.
Characteristics Lee nods:"No wonder that saw her begin with others last time, with literally and then of the one punch bottom went, the livinging of the other party body war A has already smashed for the collapse."However only dance of this recruits still some weakness, if cut down towards adding the Kui Cape opponent of hang type armor outside the type, effect willing significantly.
And at only dance flank ground"Suan Ni" gold Ni the Ni also carry on in the Xu dint what extremely recruit of preparation, gold Ni"Suan Ni" of the Ni variation war A shape be like abstract appearance ground tiger, the arms and legses all provide with the star of specially made crystal flap to concuss weapon of"woman without pubic hair claw", however time that she prepares this time isn't long.Lee especially war A that see her whole body protect A to just a little become translucent appearance, then the inner part present an obvious grain and flow light blue of just like ray of light similar liquid.Particularly those grain in blue seem to be particularly obviously in the neighborhood of arms and legs.
The gold Ni Ni uses after about more than 30 seconds a weirdly act.Imitated a hungry tiger of Buddha to rush toward a food generally and fiercely and make a pounce upon just to only make fun of of in the big pit, drive tiger claw type the arms and legses that protected A package all deeply inserted the internal organization of the pit bottom variation history lime king, Lee waits a person especially to clearly see the blue liquid in the grain that she fights A to rapidly injected into to inner part king of that history lime.
Although those blue liquids are few to not and quickly and not and slowly spread to open by the speed canning see without the aid of instruments, this variation history lime king's body organization presents translucent appearance, so Lee waits a person especially to see those blue liquids become thin to disappear gradually, however spread of the variation history lime king's body organization part,www.beats4monster.co.uk, all soon eliminate to melt like snow near the flame regiment sort.
Looking at that huge variation history lime body king eliminated to melt almost quarter, the mumbling way of strict solid gape:"This is warrior dragon ground not real strenght.Divided too much?"
"The gold Ni Ni ground" Suan Ni"the special ability of variation war AN is creation in large quantity super effect decomposition Mao, to living Related articles:

