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 Probably this is the shell Lu Si Ke Ni says of condition words, but the Qian stage dialogue is also very obvious, that guy to think unlike his/her own ball team other people bad, since so, why I still want greatly of throw money?
The chairmen all don't so not wear to adjust, will your still hoping AC Milan on the market how and strongly throw in at turning?Connected to add second Ni of inside to all once say by himself/herself, wanted buying real strenght to send a player, have to prepare first to sell a person.
And the person, who sell, isn't in the minority, for many players whom they once bought, added inside second Ni dissatisfaction, especially was like card to pull persons like Ze,etc, got high pay, can not also express the status that should have.
The main frame of ball team is to can not move, being like Pierre Luo and card card those main forces has to reserve, this can also let the AC Milan brigade continue to keep a competition ability in the league match and hat in Europe, and they don't want to play a freedom to fall a body as well.
But want the player who wanted to buy Barak or hero to pull virtuous that grade, to the AC Milan in nowadays, is 1 kind to entertain wild hope, anyway adding the second Ni of inside is impossibly and frequently to hit 34 must euro.
The AC Milan not only can't hit so much money buys a star and connect some they think to greatly use oldly will, they also a little bit lack the ability to do and is like turning of a gram of thunder Si wave membership dues, a little bit have a little expensive.
Although slicing the Er shouting of west the price is EUR 15,000,000 to turn membership dues,the boon of Kai Ni has never bitten to die this price, however even if is so, add an inside the second Ni also have no momentary with slice Er west to quote.
Last match quarter with lease an identity AC Milan of gram thunder Si wave, express of rob an eye very much, even at some field time in, his performance gives up a Pu piano than the positive card vanguard the section have to also have threat and connected Anne to slice Luo Dis to all once say, so can in front of the door the shooter of opportunity to smell is exactly the AC Milan brigade in nowadays to need most of player.
But that obstacle that turns membership dues becomes both parties to continue to cooperate, and the boon of Kai Ni in accordance with the Mu inside Ni Ao think, gram thunder Si wave even if is a new match quarter to stay in the ball team, can definitely find out the position of belonging to oneself as well.
Especially have already turned in the Kai day Man will walk the person's circumstance under, this Argentine person is an on-line powerful Feng guarantee, certainly, if the AC Milan ability Tao must rise to turn membership dues, slicing Er the west will also according to custom put a person.
However with the AC Milan brigade in nowadays that has a little awkward and shy status in bag to say and lets them takes out more than EUR 10,000,000 and really have some wound Jin moves a bone, the much less Italian also not and habitually hits so money to buy a person.
If this if bought an orchid Pa virtuous player of that age, added second Ni of inside to probably make moves, but bought one to be like a gram of thunder Si wave like this already approach occupation career is old in last phase will, he really needs to be considered.
Being worth is unworthy, or the investment like this exactly can bring what kind of income, this all needs to be measured.
Although add second Ni of inside and gram thunder Si at the time that wave talked, he told the other party not the important step urgently accepted the other people's offer,this Italian guy knew it in heart by himself/herself and wanted to buy the next thunder Si wave, really very difficult.
The wanting to let AC Milan is such an old to is so much money the Tao, perhaps isn't an easy matter son.
Their brainses still stay around 23 year agos, think 20,000,000 and then can fix to be like Luo the Na Er Di Ni Ao the player of that level, and they have the bottom Yun of Hao door, can make many players come to go to on his/her own initiative.
Be like after turning will open, freely turn the Yang database Luo man Si radicle that will come over from the Si brigade inside the black Di similar.
However the confidence that add second Ni of inside also not is have no truth, freely turn in the Yang database Luo man Si radicle will come over in a little while, international Milan ever old king Wei Ai in, also equally chose to freely turn meeting.
And this Italian national brigade Feng on-line ever the most famous tank type cutthroat, equally choice stop for a rest a point settle on the body from the same the city irreconcilable enemy AC Milan brigade, this lets many red and black fans don't already have a little an excitement.
Although Wei Ai inside two statuses of match quarters no longer reply in those early years recently of brave, ability white pick up so No.1 person, especially get him from ownly and together the city irreconcilable enemy the hand, really also let people have a little surprised.
Have the freedom like this turns meeting precedent and adds second Ni of inside after turning would open, don't calculate as well too Kui, his ball team has already had severals to quite goodly add a soldier, and add at least to also spend 3,000,000.
The small scale devotion carries on a repair on the individual position, this be add to operate ball team now in the second Ni of meet an emergency a choice, while having no circumstance that the big fee for writing gold infuses into, AC Milan brigade also seem to be have a little weak.
The presumably whole idea AN ability is willing to give up to go out the club of hitting money of the chairman was also the big Ye of national Milan, don't pull Di for taking down the trophy of league match champion and hat in Europe, he absolutely willing to give up big pen devotion.
Only this Ye sees person's taste really is having is enough lousy, isn't only a nothing important while buying a player quasi- table, his choice toward coach, really also make a lot of international Milan fans feeling depressed.
The handsome of Man strange Ni temporarily the nothing important is dangerous, but be like the future of the thunder of Ai Mu those players and then can't just have with blue and black army corps what contact, waiting for their also only being cleaned this road can walk.
However in the middle of flinging off Turkey after this burden, the field's international Milan arrives from sliced Er west the brigade dug to come to shell Long, this Argentine sorcery teacher, while the Suo pull inside and the Sa Mu Ai Er also became lately aiding of the blue and black army corps.
But they with slice Er west thus of turn meeting big buyer in the market, sell well house to compare, really devotion all don't beat on the whole, but turning of idea A membership dues be still used to all add, probably have no super three strong costses of Englishes many.
Especially at take down three hat king behind, slice Er west brigade can say in the aspects of contesting and turn a meeting market, this under can distribute, the cloth pull Mo Wei Qi this time already get ready is going to win.
Once three hat king to this Russian tycoon, just an incitement, he needs more incitements to let slice Er west the fan remember his name, the big pen throws in, beginning new procuring of 1 storm.
The hero pulls virtuous already board up nail of bargain, unique lack of is both parties' handwriting signing, even if the Liverpudlian brigade doesn't want to put a person, for the pressure of oneself ball team inner part, they also have no a way.
Fixed this the boon of Kai Ni for trading, didn't stop the step that oneself searches out a player, once dug the corner of wall of Liverpudlian brigade, Sen Na brigade there he also didn't relax, slice Er west to Shi benefit.The section Er seduces and has never stopped and was to turn a meeting when the market open this seduces more obvious.
Although Wen Ge has already declared again and again, Shi benefit.The section Er isn't for sale, but for slice Er west so violent bombing offensive, even if is always cool-headed Wen Ge, this time also a little bit eat don't live strength son.
The tallest prestige of native rearguard in England is a fee Di south virtuous 30,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,000,000 turn membership dues, but slice Er now the west have already chased to Shi benefit.The offer of the section Er raised 20,000,000, this had already indicated Wen Ge's not for sale pronouncement is very likely to will lose efficacy, after all this price isn't what ordinary people can refuse.
Press the estimate of medium in England, this kind of a seesaw battle is at most the game of price, but Wen Ge and just moved a new ground to need funds urgently of the brigade of Sen Na but speech, root is can not refuse of turn at a time meeting.
The only question is where this to turn membership dues to finally want to settle a space exactly willing spend how much .
However the boon of Kai Ni that kind of the guy that takes money not appropriate money, affirmation is can't care this of procure expenses.
Having these two bargain Kai Ni boon hasn't satisfied, to him, this however is just warmed up just.
Medium field originally was the Mu inside Ni Ao to need to add a soldier of heavy medium of heavy, so procuring of the boon of Kai Ni step combine can't stop because fixing a hero to pull is virtuous under, on his plan form, there are also a lot of names.
But give up a procuring of Pu piano section proposal but encountered unprecedented resistance, added second Ni of inside while facing the offer of the boon of Kai Ni response a words, "want to buy to give up a Pu piano section?That is dreaming."
This words immediately stopped up completely both parties to continue to talk the possibility for descending, Related articles:

