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I also know that this am the most perfect method, but you had to once think, although it is said man of iron will they are one member that belongs to Wu board of trade, but actually keep belonging to Wu president of association, even I also have no way conductor they, don't even say that these three production lines have never stopped under lead, even if please them to want to cut in line to also put not to go in, besides the president of association can't allow, either we sell that Mo high-quality weapon to equip to them, so still wanting don't road"
Hear the answer of the Chuan of Meng Luo let to still saved Luo's the four seas that a silk hoped to have no idea originally, however he wasn't nervous either at the moment, the previous Meng Luo Chuan once says and does some help, so still keep seeing a circumstance first.
"Probably we can this Mo do" fruit not it however, the Meng Luo Chuan is contemplating a burst of Hou, the openings says:"Now that we can not use a production line to can not sell the most high-quality material, either to them, that we look for the second best to sell a bad first-degree material to them like"
"Is bad first-degree to equip?"Luo's the four seas doesn't understand that the ground asks at this time:"Is this the meaning of Shi Mo?"
"First from the material spoke of good" Meng fell a Chuan station to start at this time, in the building one noodles return the Duo tread a side to say:"With we and second the piece loosenning iron of Kingdom compare, our Gao of quality they one etc., however their these 200,000 soldiers is the relations of light infantries, so should be regard skin AN as principle rather than armor.
So say, we should put target at spirit one clan just to, but if we want to give them time one etc. material, that this road can not go, so ……"
"So we want to use the mankind's craftsman BE?"Words haven't finished saying, Luo the four seas inspiration ground answers a way.
The "your say right" and Meng Luo Chuan also orders to continue to say:"Before last officer's board of trade has already left a well-trained craftsman and only had the manikin one relation of clan help now, so they therefore unemployed, I thought this matter to hand over to them to work well, went to Wu hand ……"
The Meng Luo Chuan thought at this time Hou for a while, immediately after says:"For the sake of decrease cost and time, the Gan frailty takes these people to second loosen to go to good, make the weapon material that they need with manpower and material resources of the region, with I to second loosen the craft level of this aspect understand, these craftsmans can absolutely be competent this work.
Only you want to start to take the responsibility of the direct and the protection to these people, if they would like to stay where, we have to weave these craftsmans unify a management at the our board of trade underneath and become we at second loosen the ordinary members of Kingdom, have the demand of Shi Mo in equiping weapon by that time, immediately can handle nearby, because of only an occurrence warfare, the income of that board of trade will hop step and jump, after all fight too many resourceses needed, particularly is a weapon material and food of adjust a degree, so do you return to Hou to also want to enter upon this aspect to prepare to know?"
"Follow instructions!"Luo's the four seas lowers the head to embrace a boxing way

The 14th gathers chapter 4
Renew time:2008-11-516:05:52 chapter word numbers:6279

In less than ten days, Luo is the whole world and then takes more than 300s to voluntarily arrives second loose Kingdom development of the craftsman and a great deal of tool returned to match boon city.
Just went on board, have already waited for many of big emperor son west Se with pulled to ascend tool and others who see the full ship, but have no oneself need of weapon material, a little bit dissatisfied in the heart.
But at Luo the whole world of explanation Hou, just understand the beginning and end of affair, at that moment orderany to pull to ascend to join the army in take out soldier who adjust the hand Qiao at match second loose original of the craftsman establish manufacturing, however Hou at from everyplace the Zheng adjust or purchase a skin to act as material and certainly cut off most parts from herding city that deluxe skin that takes to come over.
After all in this aspect, light near match the dint of the boon city one city, the root is to can't collect enough material, besides this turns a hand, and then is an income, anyway second especially the orchid lift Si the need in this aspect combine not much, so taking to come over to earn previous loss of a subsidy is also good, in case is wasted.
And on the other hand, the Wu Yi Buddha city of two emperor the son Lai is virtuous also just at for come from the boon Si king's order wound deeply brains, go to Wu remaining uncommon and the dust of Luo Yi they are also worried, although it is said they are from the business revenue from tax in past compared a big emperor son west the Se is many, so relatively prepared a little bit more thoughtful, but still little about 50,000 of number, but remaining is uncommon and received a big emperor son west the Se have already got second especially the orchid lift the help of Si board of trade and bring a great deal of craftsman and material, this lets two emperors the son have to hurriedly make remaining seeking to total company's counterplan is uncommon they.
"You how does the Mo see?"Remaining is uncommon to be finishing saying to report Hou, two emperor the son Lai Be virtuous to toward them to ask.
"His highness, I see don't be like previous that Mo this time simple and then can solve"
Remaining is uncommon to close a document within hand at this time of Hou, the positive color ground says:"I think big emperor's son that of the weapon material should have already been getting aller right and square away the matter on time just, but Yi Buddha city this we are a little bit a little bit pure for a while, still differ so far 50,000 sets of or so, this still not include Hou have the material needed by troops, although we the amount of forecastles compare with big emperor's son that much ascend many, this if want with big emperor's son with each other don't the visible result is a little bit difficult, so still keep looking for the second best, gather together 50,000 suits of regular troops first fully and together is to the boon Si king's having an explaination is way"
"Is ah, his highness" bathes snow to also hold a notebook to use to remind that tone adds a way at this time:"The receipt and expenditure in our city very becomes critical now, although it is said previous cloth Xu the elder brother borrow to come to 1,000,000 gold coins for us, but is paying account payment and military expenses Hou, remains 500,000 or so, but in times before make reference to the matter that to establish bank to make money to repay loan haven't begun, I think that this remaining funds had better not move a good many, after all if have the accident of Shi Mo, this is the our hand up most the revolving fund of Hou!"
"Ah!To!"The dust of Luo Yi was emphatically clapped a hand and excitedly said at this time:"We before not from match boon city that bought a batch food, anyway the quantity of saving of food company inside the city also enough, now that still could not use now, rather take out to sell to become now, can by so doing don't have a fee for writing gold be used?How do you feel?"
"Good method!True Kui you remind, otherwise I still forgot to have this file matter"hear the dust of Luo Yi of suggestion Hou, two emperor the son Lai is virtuous to clap his shoulder right away of great way.
"His highness, these foods must not sell!" At two emperor the son Lai is virtuous positive and bathe snow they amount of company how at the moment that Mo sell, remaining is uncommon openings arrestment way:"His highness, now boon Si the king since want us to parepare for war, that food is also an important supplies, although it is said could not use now, but not representative in the future not use.
Now big emperor's son that although come we this bought a parts of food in the past,at most just enough defrayed expenses at ordinary times, if want to open hostilities at this time, big emperor's son basically has no enough food to cope with, while we had these foods to act as the words of provisions for army, at least still have this can excel him.
Is after all momentary three engrave, I don't believe that they have as well the ability buys to be good enough to 200,000 battalions need to be defrayed expenses of food, if say, we really will these food sell, I want to probably take up most of is big emperor's son, will become everyone's noodles by that time we have no one advantaged of, this to the his highness day Hou become the king's road influence rather big, so suggests here that the his highness thinks thrice but goes"
Hear a remaining uncommon explanation, 3 people also aren't noded by location to mean to agree with, because once take place warfare, food but the most important one wreath, if the troops lack a food, even if the weapon equips much and very is also useless.
"Since sell a food not to go, that do you have the good Shi Mo the suggestion?Lack money now but fact, always can not sit to eat mountain to wait in vain dead?"At this time two emperor the son Lai is virtuous to toward remaining uncommon ask to account a way,www.headphones-fashion.com, and bathe snow and the dust of Luo Yi to also looking at him at the same time, wanting to know to still have the Shi Mo good method can be used.
"In fact also do a lot of thinking on the food, however is change not is sell just"
"BE change not is sell?"Hear a remaining uncommon answer, the dust of Luo Yi doesn't understand that the ground asks:"Does that have different Shi Mo?"
"Certainly different" remaining is uncommon at this time the tone using explanation ground to answer a way:"If is sell of words, what that suffers a los must be us, but if the words used to change Related articles:

