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More has the mountain person already collaborated with?S, s, are indeed as expected your person!"
"If s were deathless, I would't let mountain more ginseng with come in."I put the voice mild hard:"Can he died, mountain more the person always have boon to requite favors, there is enemy revenging, they have this heart, we certainly make use of."
I didn't completely tell the truth.Are what my partieses go to cause disturbance with them, this my preparing lousy dead don't say in the belly, know what happened a person in addition to Qin Yong only the Cao hold and Guo Jia, they can't say, either.Not because I am too guilty to Sun Ce, don't want to make them know, but because this leads long to pull mountain more a person to return agreeable important event, mountain more person most handout spirit, the most disgusted be made use of, if let mountain more the person know that I was making use of them in the beginning, later affair not have been already said.
Wu Jun breaks through siege an activity seem to stop, be apart from Wu Jun's breaking through siege have already led two hours for the last time, song city outside again sink into silent in, the exhausted Cao non-commissioned officer soldier has already finished tidying up battlefield and sank into in the sleeping go to, they wanted keep enough spirit face behind of war.Silent medium in this one, song the eastern door of city silently opened, Sun Ce waits a person file in but, almost all great commanders that can fight at Sun Ce or so, their war Ma Bao Ti, contains to chew son and walk in the dark night to in addition to city, didn't send out the least bit a voice to ring.Immediately after, several thousand soldiers one by one in order come out city gate, they keep the distance of to respectively avoid producing a sound as far as possible.Cover in the dark night under, their soon coming right away a Cao soldier army camp doesn't get to the place of 100 meters.The soldier who cruises a camp just discovers an enemy at this time, however the first halloo to just export, Wu Jun's war horse has already hurtled to front of.
The relentless matchless murderous look uploads from Sun Ce Shen, he almost hurtles at most before, the long gun in hand imitated a Buddha to infuse into his psyche similar, auto of start to stir one built-up blood fog.The Cao non-commissioned officer soldier imitates a Buddha didn't°yet from just of the in a dream wide awake similar, keep waiting until to bellow a voice to ring into one to just respond to come over, immediately Cao soldier big camp one disorder.Wu Jun's raid very successful, they were very quick and then broked first floor defense lined, they give it a gamble of viewpoint be still very correct of, plusing the sole object is to send out Sun Ce ring of encirclement, therefore the everyone strives forward, completely don't account result ground brave dash forward.The second trench defense line also broke, immediately after was the ex- camp of Cao soldier.However, when they easily crush enemy resistance sort ground pretty enter the Cao soldier army camp China Times, have never discovered they pounded at too smoothly and waited they to in the moment burst upon the time of one big slice of light of fire, they just respond to come over.
Front camp sacrifice of non-commissioned officer is against will but is of, for making Wu Jun intrude into to set out and well breaking enemy ranks in, we have to sacrifice one part of persons, win the soldier non-commissioned officer within big camp face blunt kill incoming Wu Jun but didn't do what holdout, seeing them will soon hurtle to come in, immediately go to the or so Shan.Wait Sun Ce, they after hurtling into a big camp of medium soldier, along with Hua bomb the sound of Long, all of the camp dish originally standing still kept on pouring, a big slice of the open spaces land be reared, the around ten thousand torch suddenly sets alight and illuminated Sun Ce nearby of everything.
Appear being the wooden fence column of one row row orderliness of Sun Ce their front and or so both sides puts the around ten thousand torch on the palisades, the bright fire will ascend the scope of thousand meters to shine on of shining and matchless, wear bulky wood on all horizontal Ge of a palisades each time point stake, 20,000 break enemy ranks the cavalry of camp to stand still after right ahead palisades quietly, pouring of the heavy bow and the body side in the hand sting long the Ji reflect in the light of fire under gleam the light of death.The Cao soldier of or so both sides also appeared, uniformly of the tiger leopard ride, long gun and long-handled sword are horizontal to raise in the hand, black of the helmet shoot in the reflecting of light of fire under be like the phantom of hanging up the soul uncanny.The voice that numerous soldiers rush after death rings out at them, 20,000 non-commissioned officers have already filled up the position of their behind, will they with song the city completely isolate to open.In the right ahead palisades seamy side, I, Gao Shun, elder brother Yun,cheap dr dre beats, Dian Wei, too the leis, such as history Ci, Sun Sheng and history Huan...etc. wears to sit to ride to looking at Sun Ce quietly, but not beside far place, the Cao holds to sit to looking at battlefield right away, he nearby stopped a spacious and elegant wagon, car door is open, sit at in of person but is wearing the heavy lock has of week Yu.

Chapter 249 big river east dies(1)

Hope to burst upon of break enemy ranks, Wu Jun completely disorderly, the power of the just brave impact moment be broken up, fight a horse before stopping blunt step, the soldier stopped ex- go of step, at break enemy ranks of surround in, suppress, disappointment, the painful atmosphere quickly spread to open, the weapon mutually hands over of after being washed uping, the voice's turbid and heavy breath voice occupied all spaces and led in a short while and suddenly had to cannot stop sob a voice to ring out, while hoping to suddenly become despair, that kind of the taste is very suffered.I know that is what kind of felling, be at the beginning closed by the distance Pu dungeon in, be full of of when the hope became profound despair the pain in the heart can not imagine, the pain arrives numbness, pain to lose any consciousness.There is no one personal meeting sneering at a sobbing of failed voice, the many Cao non-commissioned officers soldier even cant not bear to see Wu Jun despairing facial expression, cant not bear to hear that kind of helplessly sob.
Is also the color of one despair on the face that Wu Jun who follows behind Sun Ce Chu's city will get, this despair at see pure my moment become old grudge, especially distance Pu, he the gnash teeth in hatred ground stare me and imitate statue of Buddha a head of fierce beasts the similar vision absolutely need to tear to pieces my body and gobble up my soul.If the look in the eyes can also kill a person, I have already been chopped down into meat end by them.I lightly sigh a , changed direction vision Sun Ce.
BE as totally different as non-commissioned officer Wu's soldier's reaction, I can not tell from Sun Ce Lian that he has any pain and also cans not tells that he has any despair, exactly the opposite, he is seeing my moment, that pressing cold Lie murderous look disappeared and changed smile, light of, be full of to rejoice and pleasurely smile, connect his body up send out of the breathing be all not the murderous look any more, but relax and easy, such as he early in the morning get up in the oneself garden and take a walk generally.This smiling face not only makes my circumferential persons all some stunned, even I am also getting more silly.
Sun Ce with me each other stare in a short while, the smiling face on his face is more and more brilliant, long gun in hand with one action, he after death of Wu Jun also calmness come down:"Old general, what have I ever said?Your Dou however son cloud of."Who also surprisingly his first incredibly like this say to the distance Pu.
The distance Pu that falls behind Ma Shen of Sun Ce Ban slowly comes forward, middle walk to both parties to square off, point to long-handled sword in hand I:" Such as, you come, I want to own behavior to be responsible for."
I lightly sigh tone, distance Pu is at for didn't in the song killed me and then regrets.Return to body to hope to too history Ci:"Four elder brothers, you go to, don't harm old general."
Too the history Ci lightly orders, slowly walking out a station the opposite is at the distance Pu:"Old general first at north the door Be blunt to kill about a hours, definitely very tired, some will advise old general still don't do this again to meaninglessly sacrifice."
The distance Pu stubbornly shakes, doesn't talk as well and beat a horse to hurtle to come up.He starts be not darned dozen method, basically neglect the peace or chaos of hating the oneself, and too the history Ci come to grips, eyes but often stare toward me, good at too history Ci not only skill in martial arts Gao Chu is many, young many, also respect very much old, plusing uses have never intended to kill these to get, therefore he to distance Pu also just consume his energy, slowly whet time just.
Lead in the distance Pu under, Lyu Fan also no longer hesitates and rushes toward to me in succession, while the public close military will also use a for dear life power Tu to break enemy ranks, also want to use life to blunt open to break enemy ranks to make Sun Ce leave.Facing their is stubborn, I also have to the malicious bottom heart flicked to wave hand, I was nearby many dynasty blunt come over of Wu will face up and catch to fight, or so soldier of two side tiger leopard camps also divide a parts of person's horses to face last Wu Jun, a real of soldier to the soldier, will to will of kill in fighting to start.In field remains Sun Ce stills looking at each other with me and stood on the original place don't move.
Led in a short while, Sun Ce saw surroundings and seemed to sigh tone, the path kept a dozen of horses to head for me.There is order, therefore, the surrounding nobody makes moves to him, while I feel there is no murderous look on his body the slightest, completely Be different from to want the appearance that puts together to kill with me, Related articles:

