
beats by dre pro which is also called

You are the monster progenitor ?Lan Na ?The lanna ... ... , relationresultYes ,Lana is the son of a human ,but I was a demon ,orchid is born Nazheng shemale . , relationresultShemale .
.. ... , relationresultThe lady in red: are you surprised? , relationresultLongfeitruthfully nodded .relationresultYou like Lana ? Red woman asked again .relationresultDon . Longfei replied .
relationresultYou let her suffer so much ,one doesn ,you are not afraid to break her heart ? , relationresultLongfeishook his head: don is that doesn ,sad I can not . , relationresultWhy do you want to save her ? , relationresultFei: she is my friend .
, relationresultFriend.Red woman was .relationresultFriend.Longfield is certainly .relationresultWell ,this is your thing ,I do for my mother ,but you can only say ,between what it will be like ,and I have not the slightest relationship ,at the moment .
.. ... , relationresultRed womanfinger of God : you know the dead corpse why God put it there ?And I ,why is the guards here ? , relationresultGod corpse on this I know ,is our family ancestors in order to let the dragon family of God ,as to why you are here the warden ,I do not know .
, relationresultThe lady in red: all wrong . , relationresultThe God is indeed the Dragon killed, but his purpose is not for your dragon family as God ,but in order to restrain the seal .
, relationresultThe seal? , relationresultRed womannodded : this space ,is actually connected to another plane channel ,if there is no God corpse repression ,the another world demon would come in ,at that time .
.. ... I the entire continent would destroy the dragon . , relationresultFlyyour way: serious ? , relationresultRed womansure nodded : the other God ,is conveyed to me by the snake progenitor and dragon war ,actually these gods ,and also my dragon war cooperation results .
, relationresultAh ,snake progenitor ... ... , relationresultLongfeimind gold Jiamei girl .relationresultWhen God ,cannot use without authorization beyond this world suffer force ,for example ,two parts of the Dragon God if the continent of a certain location to fight, the end is likely to result in the surrounding damaged, serious, and even make the dragon China wrecked .
, relationresultRed womancold : ,in the world has been an unwritten rule ,treat the unruly gods ,kill ! , relationresultLongfeiastounded: is this is the dragon on the continent to see God truth ? , relationresultRed womannodded .
relationresultDragon world ,has been the existence of God ,like me, although not a human, but I am also a demon God ,but my responsibility is not to kill God ,but to lead my people into god .
, relationresultThese gods resin is used to seal different channels ,you mean ,the Godhead can not get ? , relationresult,but not now . Red woman sighed : would loose ,exotic that always wanted to break the seal, now do the time ,up to one hundred years ,foreign devil will break the seal ,and God and not God .
Corpse difference ,just one hundred years digital extended for two hundred years . , relationresultmean ... ... , relationresultHere the godhead ... ... Red woman beckoned ,all God godhood automatically fly over, SG rugose ,shone Longfei face changed colors .
relationresultItyours .relationresultWhat ... ... Sorry. Longfei mind almost crashes .relationresultYou mean here Godhead are mine ? , relationresultAll for you ,but I also have a condition .
Red woman looking at longfield ,until Longfei nod, she says: also has one hundred years ,coupled with my strength ,but also can be extended to one hundred years ,so I want to you in two hundred years time, choose at least one hundred God ,against the demon ! , relationresultAh ,choose God ? Dragon mouth wide open .
relationresultWho do you want to become a God, gave him a Godhead ,person all is up to you ,two hundred and seven God corpse ,I as long as one hundred gods presence ,as for the rest of the Godhead ,all belongs to you ,you do not suffer this transaction ? , relationresultSuffer?relationresultMore than 100Godhead ,which is also called off ?If this is also called ,that the world would probably have taken advantage of this word .
relationresultRed womanwith a wave of his hand, the Godhead to Longfei ,sigh : elect one hundred of God ,used to fight monsters ,should be enough . , relationresultCollection ! , relationresultLongfeihesitation are not, directly out of the eight trigrams furnace ,the Godhead as two hundred and seven pick in furnace .
.. ... , relationresultWait.relationresultHuh?relationresultGodjust into the eight trigrams furnace ,Longfei suddenly startled ,looks up to the red woman asked : here God how many ? , relationresultRed womansaid: in two hundred and seven ,I use a heart ,give you a total of two hundred and six .
, relationresult,I here a total of two hundred and five ah ,a little three ! , relationresultIt canbe !Turn red woman shocked .relationresultThe eighth chapter fusion , relationresultNot good ! , relationresultRed womanturned into a red light at the entrance to the fly ,and then ,suddenly the door closed automatically .
relationresultIs the dragonbig success depend on a corpse with God ,shut the gate .relationresultRed womanopens the door to the outside, also failed to find the Dragon prince .relationresultThe lost is a dark lower deity .
.. ... In this God ,divine confusion ,my sense of suffocate suffocate ,otherwise ... ... , relationresultRed womansigh .relationresultFeidid not think too much ,for him, just a little one, variables are not too large .
relationresultIn two hundredyears ,foreign monsters will attack the Dragon continent ,in the meantime ,we must select one hundred above God ,against the demon !relationresultThis isthe idea of science .
relationresultAlthough,he never thought of what a savior, but if the people around him, his house was destroyed, he never watched ,red woman did not name him to fight monsters ,but it still with her? Whether to say or not say ,Longfei have already done decision .
relationresultI left the Godhead to Lanna ,until her successful fusion of the Godhead ,I let her go to look for you ,now ,I will teach you the Godhead fusion method . , relationresultAt present,red woman will how to integrate the Godhead ways to teach science .
relationresultBecause the landis only a bit of godhood ,and God grade is not circuitous more ,beats by dre pro,want to be in God ,that is must be a slave to God ,can to become a god .relationresultNotto lower the Godhead do? And had to use other attributes of the deity instead ,although this effect is poor, but in order to succeed in promotion for God ,now also can so do .
relationresultWhen thered woman say how the integration of the Godhead ,Longfei is not understand ,do not want to use their strength to God ,how is not easy .relationresultIf there isa God power ,only God then ,the fusion process will be very long ,there may be one hundred years ,there may be one thousand years ,the person .
relationresultButif there is a God power ,simple .relationresultChoosea lower Longfei life God Godhead ,handed the lady in red ,and then follow the instructions ,took off my clothes ,seated on the ground waiting for .
relationresultRed womanhands holding the Godhead in Longfei chest ,hands SG mase ,Longfei felt body without pain ,especially in the chest, like a burning fire ,the hard effort not to mention .
relationresultWant frompeople into God ,are subject to change in quality, the Godhead ,is actually the power crystals ,the Godhead in the chest, abdomen ,by divine power excitation ,control Related articles:

