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The twenty-seven .Therefore I command you ,starting tomorrow ,at not less than the price on the basis of a large number of buying ,red-chip index ,tomorrow one day in any case to red-chip index eighteen percent higher, in later days ,every day or intermittent pull high around three percent, without my command kept pulling ,all pulled HK Stock market rebound ! , relationresultChapter 748th plan to carry out smoothly.
, relationresultMu Guoxing playedthe phone too much into it ,and he put the phone down until now ,three long and Wu Laozheng sits at a conference table ,smiling at him .relationresultMu Guoxing stood up,just to speak, it is three long wave stopped him .
relationresultWell.A general demeanor !With the head in map out a strategy !This danger ,who dare strife ,only I mu major general ! , relationresultMu Guoxingwas also a bit nervous mood ,immediately by three long this humorous words to say relax .
relationresultLast night ,I again earnest research about all the information ,I analyze a year later ,red-chip index will now point ,rising one hundred percent !In our country, if this does not sell them, you can not earn !You can blame me no prior report to you ! , relationresultThreelong after listening is a laugh : OK ,now who can take risk in all ,earn more, the state also happy for them .
But can you save me this , relationresultOne thousandbillion ,my days would have had a much better !Well, I have to run ,someone is waiting for my good news ! , relationresultThree longhurried away .
Wu smiling watching his favorite disciple said : Guoxing ah ,you just with three long word is it right? That ?If one year later the red-chip index rose less than one hundred percent ,your face will throw large ! , relationresultMu Guoxing smiled: Grandpa Wu ,I just told you ,you don tell anyone .
One hundred percent did I hit .Two hundred percent may be a little more ,according to my estimate of one hundred and eighty percent is completely possible ! , relationresultGuoxing ah ,since you became my student, you do these which one is big be struck with fright ,and your judgment and prediction is very accurate .
How do I think you seem to have some special functions like ! , relationresultThis word cantake Mu Guoxing to jump ,he opened the eye thing alone Wu old, is that he even Mulaodou never told .
relationresultGrandpa Wu ,look, you said, if I have a specific function, I ,I would have to buy , relationresultAsmall ,enjoy my sunshine beach be light of heart from care life . , relationresultWualways laugh for a while ,face plate and said: you ah ,is really have a specific function, you can go to the not .
Me and you and your grandfather clock grandfather together repeatedly talked about you ! , relationresultHere,the Wu Lao want to lift the Mu Guoxing appetite like held his mouth .But he did not say that Mu Guoxing did not ask ,two individuals at that you look at me and I look at you ,who do not speak .
It took a while Wu smiled and said: I say Guoxing ah ,I know your grandpa not false .You calm the strength and insight into the person the viscera eyes ,let a person in front of you do not want to tell the truth nor ah !My teacher ,in this case is more than you .
, relationresultMu Guoxing dulyto Wu Laoduan over a cup of tea, holding hands, he put in front of him .relationresult,you don take this cup of tea to bribe me .I tell you ,all three of us think you are a responsibility very strong ,and is a national and people interests in the highest position .
, relationresultCouldhave , relationresultTo the three so high, can say in this country in addition to Mu Xing is no second person .Wu thought Mu Guoxing to be somewhat excited ,was observed for a long time, but is not from Mu Guoxing the existing any abnormal changes .
With a sigh : Oh ,No. three long said is good, keep the countenance ,Taishan collapse in the former instead of panic !A general demeanor this sentence is make a pointed comment ! , relationresultThat night,after eating dinner soon, Zhao Ting would yell a stomach ache ,her mother looked, hastened to Mu Guoxing said: Guoxing ,look this way, you want, take her to the hospital ! , relationresultMu Guoxingdare not neglect ,from the garage and out of the car ,a hand picked up Zhao Ting ,Zhou Xianglan also carried has already prepared the things ,then get into the car .
Holding the ouch ouch shout ache ,didn live complained: you this girl ,I heard Guoxing words !To believe that what the expected date of childbirth .Well, not due to give birth ! , relationresultTohave been associated with good maternal and child health hospital ,the doctor a look immediately put Zhao Ting into the delivery room ,Mu country and Zhou Xianglan just to do the chair relax ,I heard the delivery room wow rang a baby crying sound .
The little guy crying very loud ,Zhou Xianglan suddenly stood up .relationresultJust as he reached thedoor, a small nurses from the inside out : who is the Zhao Ting family ? , relationresultYes,I am.
Yes, I am. Zhou Xianglan and Mu Guoxing almost at the same time spoken ,the nurse carefully look at Mu Guoxing ,just smiled and said to Zhou Xianglan : baby boy ,eight kilograms of weight ! , relationresultZhou Xianglansaid excitedly : ha ha ,I when the grandmother ,I have a grandson ! , relationresultThe little nursewalked back to the delivery room ,and another age older nurses quietly said : ,that Zhao Ting maternal ,his husband I know him ! , relationresultWhen Wu Jie heardjokingly said: people do you know people what ah ?They have children ,you will not want to engage in a third party ! , relationresultwhat are you saying ?I and you are telling the truth !I was in the city people Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology ,beats by dre uk,you know ! , relationresultYes ,but this and the maternal husband what relationship ? , relationresultThis summer , relationresultTime,is also the maternal husband sent a very beautiful women to the city people to give birth to a child .
He also said that the maternal husband !I saw the people grow so handsome ,I also pay more attention to him for a few seconds ,so I remember very clearly ,never know ! , relationresultDon talk nonsense ,you must have got the wrong person ,looks like there are people !Which has the Xia Tiansheng children ,a few months later, a second ,do you think is the pig? Is the pigs also not so fast ! , relationresultThe little nursesaw her colleagues refused to believe him ,anxious with red cheeks ,a stamp : Oh, how I talk you just don ?Summer the maternal and the maternal is not a person ,I mean this man for the two wife ! , relationresultThe more you say the more meipu !Do you not see that the maternal mother followed ?If you are the maternal words ,your mother know that she ? , relationresultThe little nurseto see Wu Jie still refuses to believe her ,he grabbed it and picked up the baby out of the delivery room .
Look carefully at the welcome Mu Guoxing ,while Zhou Xianglan don said in a low voice : this is your first few children ? , relationresultMu Guoxing listensto understand ,smiled and said : this is my first child ?What .
relationresultThe little nursesmiled : I am in city hospital gynaecological worked, seen a maternal husband looked like very much like you ! , relationresultMu Guoxing looked at itlike nosy
little nurse smiled and said : Oh ,I understand ,is this summer my wife at the city hospital life child ,I and my brother are twins ,you are our brothers confused ! , relationresultThe Related articles:

