
beats by dre solo ynasty after the re

Director of the Song Dynasty to speak ! , relationresultJust as Mu Guoxing was about tospeak again ,office door was struck ,there came a man with eyes in his thirties .Li Zhongsheng saw the man ,he smiled and said to Mu Guoxing : OK ,Song Dafei of small high to pick you up !You just go ahead ! , relationresultThe next target15O flower with more friends ,thank you for their support ,smiling to you bow !!!relationresultIn the 693rd chapter the Commission for discipline inspection report two , relationresultSong Dafeiis a very warm person ,out of Li Zhongsheng office ,will introduce himself to Mu Guoxing : Muslim leader ,hello !I was the director of the Song Dynasty Gao Quanlin ,in the future we will be working together ,what would you let me ! , relationresultMu Guoxing alsoused the people ,where will listen to a secretary in formula .
Don a secretarial level lower than you ,but he often turns round the leader of the people ,if you keep his kind words when a really ,really for the leadership of the Secretary backseat driver ,then you leave the day is not far also ha-ha ,high Secretary welcome, I just participated in the discipline inspection work for ,many do not understand things, future needs you more help .
, relationresultGao Quanlinlooked at Mu Guoxing, now his eyes clear look sincere ,not lie appearance, but in the heart of Mu Guoxing has a crush .relationresultMuslim leader ,I was telling the truth ,director of the Song Dynasty is in front of me repeatedly mentioned you .
Since you served notice publicity came out, we have many comrades want to know you !Especially those in Nanjing North Province are you down ,they are a strong Biezhe ,want to give you the welcoming dinner then quits !Muslim leader ,relationresultIcan tell you ah ,there is a man in our discipline 4 alcohol is two kilograms ,for him you must try to be more careful ! , relationresultGao Quanlinsaid these words is indeed the truth ,Mu Guoxing service bulletin out, those who follow Song Dafei to North Ningxia cadre ,have spread .
From these people all a hideous mess conversations ,high Tralin not only know that Mu Guoxing is a managing millions population of mayor of city of provincial capital ,but also to know he has a terrible drinker .
High there would like to meet Mu Guoxing ,when Song Dafei let him go to the office by his secretary Li Guoxing when, really made him excited .relationresultMu Guoxing hasto ask Li Zhongsheng office things ,his tongue can not ,in this kind of talented men still remained in concealment place ,situation is not clear ,or less and less to ask .
relationresultIn anotherbuilding, nine floor ,elevator bite to a halt .Mu Guoxing followed high secretary walked out of the elevator ,passed me a wore a short skirt suit middle-aged woman ,took to Gao Quanlin as soon as warm greeting : high secretary ,do you patrol personnel were accounted for ?If you come please me off the list ,we will arrange to his early life things .
, relationresultHighside with the female secretary shaking hands ,he turned to Mu Guoxing and said: introduce ,this is our commission for discipline inspection organs Authority White director .
Also on the middle-aged woman presented to: Comrade Mu Guoxing ,fifth of perambulatory group group leader . , relationresultAwhite director Mu Guoxing name ,immediately warm hand ,very exaggerated said : ah ,you mu is the head? Former golden hill mayor !Your name but in the US for all around, I would like to meet you, did not expect today here met .
Now you are to report ?On housing and life be? In future you have anything I need to do things just tell .Our offices administration ,is for those of you with the fighting in the first line of the discipline inspection cadres service .
, relationresultWhitedirector Da dada in the non-stop, breath to say so much, let Mu Guoxing do not know to which a good answer her .Such a man running ripe female comrade, no matter how her purpose ,at least in the surface pull closer between the person and person distance ,also can let a person has a kind of feeling or sense of belonging ,make a new person can as soon as possible into the group .
relationresultMu Guoxing smiledand said: the white officer ,you flatter me ,I am just an ordinary person ,it is a discipline front recruits ,will ask you , relationresultThese old comradesexhibitions .
As for the others, I to the director of the Song Dynasty after the report, we will contact you? , relationresultWhitedirector giggle : you see me here and talk to you play without end ,almost wasted your business ,go quickly ,we have time to chat ! , relationresultGao Quanlin sawMu Guoxing ,looking at the White Chief figure said to Mu Guoxing : white ,character cheerful ,the people are very warm ,she is a white old little girl ,you know ! , relationresultMu Guoxinga gasp.
For white ,old ,Mu Guoxing listened to his grandfather said ,is also a former leader of the country ,a lifetime in the discipline inspection work .If on the qualifications ,but also on Mu Lao .
The Commission is a really talented men still remained in concealment of ah !I am afraid what a person behind does not have a small background .relationresultSong Dafeioffice ,in addition to area than the Li Zhongsheng office area slightly smaller than the rest of the layout ,are as like as two peas ,everywhere shows that the discipline inspection cadres elegance and simplicity, it also shows that he represented the regime dignity .
If a man have sinister motives or is a problem of people come here, it is difficult not to this atmosphere asks .relationresultGuoxing two comrades, we meet again .Last in Nanjing North Province we two have said ,if the yuan can work together but too good, today we have the two person wishes really come true ! , relationresultSaid Song Dafeileft his desk ,came to Mu Guoxing and the warm handshake ,Mu Guoxing to sit on the sand .
Mu Guoxing see Song Dafei is really happy ,is not the official officials mask with pretend .relationresultDirector of the Song Dynasty ,I also did not think of to departments of discipline inspection work .
My experience in this field is also very lack ,also need to seriously study the discipline inspection cadre work experience ,improve the level of their business .The future please director of a lot of criticism and advice ,early to become a qualified cadres of discipline inspection .
, relationresultMu Guoxingknow ,the discipline inspection cadres has its particularity ,especially new patrol system ,his special especially .Since the dry on the line ,it should be at ease conscientious work for a few years ,make a bit achievement ,give him and other people to see ,he was not only a people understand the economy ,in discipline inspection departments can also make a remarkable achievement .
relationresultThefather asked him to work for the purpose of discipline inspection department ,relationresultMu Guoxingis also very clear ,he is a central purpose is to let Mu Guoxing here plated with ,specifically ,is to exercise his ability to govern, let him become a can in economy ,politics of the two battle group of generalist ,for he will take more responsibilities and to prepare .
relationresultSong Dafeiis a big fan of Mu Guoxing such a humble attitude .He knew ,like Mu Guoxing such red children in their family under the influence, the ability to work is some ,but he is most afraid of is that these children not to obey the leadership of proud and arrogant red .
When he and Mu Guoxing contact after a few times, but from the heart has changed his idea .In particular he some time ago in Nanjing North Province Survey g runs events, for Mu Guoxing to have a new knowledge .
He thinks ,Mu Guoxing is not just rely on his family forces go to today ,beats by dre solo,more it is to rely on his own ability to sit at this position .relationresultTo tell you the truth,a leader or very much like his own can have a number of very capable cadre ,have the ability of the cadres, not only for his share in the work on a lot of important task, is more important to him to make a political . Related articles:

