
beats by dre solo ys in one place w

Xiao Hua two was found when they appeared in a huge brilliant palaces ,and in this beautiful palace end ,sat a a lightweight lace yarn with silver ,silver crown the queen !relationresultThe queen .
Is a young and beautiful Xiao Hua looked up, eyes in front of the queen ,immediately cannot bear said ,the last was forced to sexy .Four words swallow back belly !His sister .Almost forget that you have a boron !relationresultTwo men ,you will kill Hall hosts in Mo generals ,Luo Languo let the citizens from war difficult, please accept my sincere gratitude and Roland national ! The queen and her ,showing a Heaijinren smile .
relationresultone day found the light of life ,not the life tree shelter estimation, Luo Languo will never have a quiet day, but Huo Mo country and other neighboring countries ,before long will once again to Luo Languo the declaration of war .
, relationresultBut then,Al and the Na queen is face of said .relationresultThe tree of life?relationresultXiao Huamengthought of ,before the fortress ,Wood also once spoke of the tree of life !relationresultThe queen and Na is the tree of life ,what happened ?.
Xiao Hua immediately is chopped ,appearance asks .relationresultOh.You are outsiders ,Luo Languo do not know the real problem .May I have a look ,take you past the tree of life ,you know ,a corrugated after al and the queen .
Then nodded and said .relationresultRose from his seat,Al and the Na queen with silver yarn ,with Xiao Hua two people towards the palace passed .relationresultThe queen Al Canalunder the leadership of .
Two people with the coming out of Luo Languo .relationresultWang Gongwai isa broad flat white marble Plaza ,two people out of the king ,they saw the square in the middle of ,setting up a thirty or forty meters tall trees !relationresultThequeen and her with two men slowly to giant tree ,Xiao Hua then saw .
The distance seemed an exuberant trees near it .But be totally different !relationresultThe firstand more .Pass very suck ah ,the day did not go up two ,with tickets please support ah , relationresult,relationresultThe 293rd chapter Life Tree Seed , relationresultThe twopurpose of life !Tree green Gu green ,full of life ,but in the near carefully for knife ,the tree of life while it is still green ,but leaves Lizhi ,it gives people a feeling of feeble !relationresultThe tree of life is a tree with the magical power of the sacred tree ,a country ,as long as the tree of life existence .
You can bless the whole country .As long as the national does not leave the land ,you will not worry about getting hurt to death .As long as the tree of life dies ,this country would not perish ,but have eternal existence .
relationresultThe tree of lifecan keep people ,because the tree of life have a light source of life light of life .The light of life is the tree of life in the long years of gradually formed .
This is a good grasp objects ,but a month ago .A group of don where that came from the strange black monster broke into Luo Languo ,the light of life from the tree of life is forced out ,and took the light of life .
relationresultWithoutthe light of life ,the tree of life is not death ,but although a very long time .It is possible to cultivate a new light .But Luo Languo has claimed the lives of light sources, but in other countries spread ,and then on the Roland endoscope has long Huo Mo scouts ,immediately launched a war of aggression to Luo Languo .
, relationresultHuo Moguopremeditated, force than Roland country high on many, Roland soldiers without the light of life ,nature is at war in retreat, but people see life tree withered many ,long time to feel the light of life existence, although not know battlefield sinister ,is also a growing worry about .
, relationresultThequeen and her slightly sigh explained ,tone of the sorrow of not less . The queen and her ,why don that claimed the lives of the monster to light the light of life back? Do not find the monsters disappeared, or the light of life have been killed by them ? Xiao Hua knew that the task is afraid is to help find the light of life ,then much more natural query task information .
relationresultNo.The monster stole the light of life ,and not the light of life directly .It stays in one place, with the light of life nurtured several flower never seen black plant .
The monster in the position we have is to find ,but the monster is too strong ,we do not have the light of life .There ,even if the number of more than their rivals . Al and Na queen shook again .
relationresultBlack monster,beats by dre solo?In the light of life nurturing black plants? Black flowers ,is not the black monster in the light of life nurtured ?relationresultXiao Hua a.Heart immediately flashed a strange idea !relationresultThe queen and her ,please send someone to take us to the monster place ,maybe we can help you regain the light of life .
Xiao Hua was convinced that the task is to recapture the light of life undoubtedly respectful said at once .relationresultYou can volunteer to go back to life ,it is so good ,in fact I also have you help .
Please rest assured ,if you can help Luo Languo regain the light of life ,I al and the Na to Roland Queen swore ,definitely will reward you with ! Al and the queen said with a smile .
relationresultThe system prompts: do you accept the task to regain the light of life !relationresultBacklight of life :from the monster hands back Roland in the light of life !Be careful ,these monsters are very strong !relationresultThe monsters are very strong, if you decide to go ,can go to the store Department added some drugs ,because you kill Huo Mo generals ,the citizens will give you a great discount !Then you can find the door to the royal palace guards ,he will take you to the monster .
, relationresultCan we go to the monster back to complement reconnaissance needed items ? Listening to the Queen words ,Xiao Hua is asked by cautious .Kill these monsters is a like a copy of the .
Only one time .Failure is finished it, he must be prepared to do . Certainly madam. Heroes you can do so it is better and better ,the monster not at first sight ,the people will be able to deal with ! , relationresultWhen speech,a silver armor guards are never far away towards the Queen walked over and Na ,Al and the Na queen saw, then feel shy of Xiao Hua makes an apology: two brave abandoned .
I have a prior to return to the palace .Two please ,expect two bits of good news ! , relationresultTheQueen guards and Na with autumn leave ,boron to ask Xiao Hua to do ,only to find Xiao Hua staring at the tree of life hard to see .
The tree of life anything strange ? Autumn rains. Strange asked .relationresultI just found out ,the tree of life is a blood ! Xiao Hua was curious to say .The tree of life is too high ,one eye to see to the top, Xiao Huacai was curiously, in front of the tree of life lost an intraoperative identification .
They found the tree of life ,but also has ribs !relationresultAutumn rains.Listen to, but also on the tree of life lost over the identification of the past .relationresultTree of life: the rank field ,??Defense force ,????.
Really ,or a class ,too strong ! Rain B very surprised .relationresultAutumn rains.Surprised, Xiao Hua suddenly suddenly see the sneaking four look around ,and then suddenly reached in the tree of life touched a !relationresultTip:successful theft system !relationresultThe system prompts:you get items Life Tree seed !relationresultTree of life:and planting division seed in city level resident in the afternoon ,planting seeds ,the teeth of old ,heart is a have the magic power of the tree of life !relationresultHaha ha . Related articles:

