
beats by dre solo ate was set to 0%

Xiao Hua, hearts ,brains to not seen from the amazing speed ,Second World beauty heaven guild was born !relationresultTheguild name plus profile and other information ,Xiao Hua knows that many people do not believe ,or to a blind cat touch the dead mouse mentality attempt in have a look ,but just add guild, the most immediately return it, there will be losses .
relationresultOthers inthat guild is an empty shell, there must be people who quit immediately ,but Xiao Hua believed in his little tricks ,there must be someone to stay ,or the like ,who do the task !relationresult-- ---- , relationresultThe firstmore ,and recommended !relationresultThankthe friends of 090817165440909 rewards !!relationresultThe fifty-first chapter six wandering brothers , relationresultThe system prompts:current guild mission Gold Award pumping rate was set to 0% !relationresultXiao Hua entered theguild settings page ,find the task Gold Award pumping rate option ,and then set it to 0% .
relationresultThetask must have the Gold Award, the gold award pumping rate as literally ,guild members after the completion of the task ,the task ,the system will according to the setting of the gold award from the pumping rate of task reward in proportion to the coins collected as a part of the guild construction funds .
For example the pumping rate is set to 10% ,then complete the task of game player won 90% gold awards ,the remaining 10% as guild construction funds !relationresultTheupgrade to meet three conditions ,beats by dre solo,the first is the guild contribution ,second is the guild upgrade materials ,third is the guild construction funds .
When these three conditions in full compliance with the upgrading of the conditions ,guild president or vice president can be issued guild upgrading instruction ,give rise to the next level .
relationresultIn three conditions in whichthe contribution ,only through the guild mission ;guild upgrade material to make any more than twenty little monsters will drop ,also can adopt corresponding NPC guild contribution exchange ;guild construction funds are available for gold at a ratio of one direct deposit into ,or through guild task .
Smoke get reward .relationresultGuildconstruction fund is a fully digital ,in addition to upgrade the guild when needed ,and any other useful, even if the guild dissolution also cannot take out or convertible into gold uses .
So the general guild will be in accordance with their own guild set a suitable pumping rate ,make guild construction funds along with the guild grew steadily increased ,to the rest of the two condition is satisfied and the insufficient construction funds will inject difference owes a gold coin .
relationresultTheguild construction funds can not be taken out ,there is no possibility of high-level corruption ,it will upgrade for all guild members are good, the tasks in addition to other awards gold award is also good ,so long as the pumping rate is set too far ,the general line of members will not have comments .
relationresultBut this too much ,in fact apart from the newly established guild ,in order to attract more game player came in, pumping rate set at 10% to 20% ,most of them have been to the normal operation of the guilds of the pumping rate not less than 30% .
Xiao Hua will be pumped into the rate was set to 0% ,and the guild is little, task did not contend for ,obviously like to do the task with great attraction !relationresultTheguild mission Gold Award pumping rate can be set once a week ,every time the reset after the system will give all guild members issued to the system prompt .
Six wandering brothers saw 0% of the pumping rate ,immediately in the team held six party talks .relationresult0% pumping rate ,you have an idea of what to have . Cat speak .relationresultThis guy is very rich ,just suddenly took 250000 gold coins ! The wolf that is not a secret .
relationresultCrap.Our eyes and not blind ! The wolf had just finished, was immediately a mouse looks down .relationresultThe mouse ,you want to do is it right? ! The wolf said anxiously .
From the name of the mouse and the wolf are not comparable ,the wolf is completely using the size advantage to intimidate !relationresultIs what ! Mouse unrelenting said, this is the game ,who also not afraid of who ,not big on the useful ,the wolf is a soldier ,he is the master ,PK has not been determined !relationresultSolemn silence.
A meeting ! Captain and meat shield dogs very seriously .relationresultOther guilds ,even high level one or two ,a removing pumped into ,get rewards and similar to here ,here do not have robbed tasks ,you may stay here ! Black sheep is a pastor ,casual analysis after said .
relationresultIagree .The monkey is known to lazy ,the candidate Archer concise list views .relationresultSome people against no opposition ,so be it ! Captain dogs finally habitual charge summing .
relationresultDo not steal the boss, we temporarily not retrograde no problem ? The dog asked Xiao Hua .He can not forget they are powered by Xiao Hua asked ,isn this guild member .relationresult,unlimited welcome !Task what casually ,not polite ! Seeing Xiao Hua strategy so soon there is a result, feeling very happy .
relationresultOh ,that thank you ,our brothers, which take the task to . To be licensed ,dog eldest brother enjoys with his animal army ran to the next task npc .relationresultXiao Hua toPiaoxue city also not long, don in front of him is Piaoxue City Mission maniac six wandering brothers .
Six wandering brothers in the snow town is famous ,especially like to do the task of game player ,no do not know six wandering brothers !relationresultSix wanderingbrothers except the task required ,never deliberately Daguai upgrade ,their grade ,all on the task reward experience to pile up, they play the game fun to do the task, the same task ,falling on their hands ,also can make different ways to !relationresultBut under normal circumstances,in a game of game player can receive task is limited ,six wandering brothers before half an year in another city has almost no task ,even receiving is that several do not know how many times the task .
The last six decided to move to another city ,then spent high transportation costs by airship to Piaoxue city .relationresultToPiaoxue City ,six brothers while wandering in the city have received some did not make the task ,but only a few ,mostly task is a superficial reform ,task or the name is different ,the content is a process of sample .
Six wandering brothers recognized even city different tasks ,also won ,and although they have been doing the task ,who had few money, almost all the money spent on sit airship ,another city is not possible nor wise thing to do .
relationresultSo thesix wandering brothers began to seek new task source ,which they fear of bondage, have been reluctant to join the guild .There ,they hold have a try to the idea of joining a small meeting, it was found the task will refresh every day ,but many types, large and small, have simple trivial complex ,so much did not make the task ,all at once so that they attracted !relationresultSix wanderingbrothers started every day run in the guild mission, and will the quest rewards is also very rich people, the six brothers have done more hard ,but good times don ,not long, the guild of many people ,they can follow his own wish .
The task .The six brothers ,make a prompt decision to hold the six party talks ,quit the guild to the number of new rows to less .relationresultThus,six wandering brothers repeating from the old guild exit ,joined the new Guild brush task steps ,in the process of continuous repetition ,nature is to know a lot of love the game player to do the task .
relationresultThesix wandering brothers this hot keen to guild mission professional task madman ,each guild president is very popular .But welcome welcome ,guild rules cannot be broken Related articles:

