
beats by dre studio Wu Zheng Yunfeng

You will attack on Kung Fu .A little ,now your master was going to die ,you would follow to burial ! , relationresultTwo consecutivestrokes hit leaves Wu ,while Qin Tianzong is being several of his brother was beaten to suffocate ,Chu to in confidence ,he is fully grasp the left lobe Wu .
relationresultWant me to death ,you are not old enough ! Know that Qin Tianzong is okay ,Hatake immediately calm down ,his combat skills is through numerous killings and honed, even if the battle ability as Chu to ,but his murderous and combat experience is a solid .
relationresultSuddenly,Hatake style changes ,he have a ready pen ,completely disregard their own safety ,as mad as the devil in the Chu to attacks .relationresultOnly thelife and death in men ,to control others life and death ,it is Ye Wu fighting style ,but also leaves Wu did ten years mercenaries without a real reason for the failure .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe eightieth chapter victory moment ( a more seeking monthly ) , relationresultthanks to J a fleeting ,issie blue ,supreme bin ,symhjj ��,zkhs123 ,supporting the affection of six brothers playing rewards ,thank you for your encouragement and support .
Today ,the first also sent ,please brothers and sisters to check the personal library, a monthly ticket must support ah ,now may be chrysanthemum burst ! , relationresultYe Wu let go ofhands after the battle ,fighting spirit is highly concentrated ,invisible promoted several times ,just looked easy Chu to the suddenly increased pressure .
relationresultThe , bite , fIJ ... Living room with golden dragon whip dagger collision sound can be heard without end ,Chu to discover their own baby almost out of control ,Hatake every attack made him uncomfortable hematemesis .
relationresultTo know theinnate realm offering refine a magic weapon ,is in the magic into his soul ,Hatake dragon whip each time with Chu to the golden dagger collision ,equivalent to two yuan of indirect collision .
relationresultCrazy, you are a lunatic . Again and again by Ye Wu dragon whip without a loud crash ,with little experience of life and death battle Chu to signs of danger appearing everywhere ,his face became pale ,quickly jumped out of the battle circle .
relationresultJunior, you are not to take my life ,come on . , relationresultScruple toa fight ,leaves the carefree mind unceasingly, he roared, does not give Chu Xiangzhong any break ,and close to the Chu to .
relationresultIf you die ,I will help you ! See the leaf Wu desperately system, Chu to the center also has a temper .relationresultChuto burst drink a sound body ,use advantage opened the Yu Yewu distance ,eighteen dagger like snakes generally in the living room .
,continuously towards leaf martial spat son .relationresultChu Xiangzhongchanged, ye Wu melee desperately struggle immediately failure .relationresultYe Wudragon whip can ranged attack ,attack range is limited after all ,once Chu to the distance, there is little be beyond one .
relationresultAndChu to the golden dagger is equivalent to the weapon ,as long as the Chu to the true element force not exhaust ,those golden dagger can have threatened the life of Ye Wu .
relationresultt believeyou really yuan forces can be in an unbroken line ! , relationresultSeveral attempts tonear Chu to central end in failure ,leaves the sneer, simply no longer pursued Chu to ,but his attack against the .
relationresultHunyuanexit boundary Wu really force with a bit less ,the only break Hunyuan throughout the realm ,to break the virtual environment ,the body really force will life and growth in nature ,never exhausted .
relationresultChu Xiangzhong nowis just Hunyuan exit in order of warrior ,he is impossible to use the real force control dagger ,and Chu to a pair of palms is injured ,which exacerbated his true element power loss .
relationresultYe Wu onlydo not attack ,Chu also silly to limit .relationresultAt the same time,Chu to a bit puzzled ,how this skinny black people suddenly worried that his master safety ?Is this where what is wrong here ?relationresultThink of here,Chu to cannot bear looked at Qin Tianzong direction ,the sight ,his eyes couldn open ,his face full of stunning look .
relationresultChuto see clearly ,just be at one of young black men ,have now become full of vigor and vitality ,I can only see each other on the ghost one one countless afterimage ,and his three brothers was the countless ghost surrounded ,fell into crises .
relationresultIt canbe !How could this be? Chu Xiangzhong had originally thought that his three brothers as easy as blowing off dust can kill young black men ,and then come together with their kill thin black people, but the fact with the imagined scene is too big, it makes Chu to there as in a dream .
relationresultChuto clearly know ,his three brothers is not a mediocrity ,they just around twenty years of age ,but one by one to break through innate realm ,which has a brother is reached Lingwu throughout the realm ,learned some special rules .
relationresultLogically speaking,his three junior, anyone can easily pick up off the Kung Fu sparse ordinary young black men ,but now his three brothers joined forces to deal with young black men ,still in the wind, the scene was very difficult to accept .
relationresultSeeChu to was Qin Tianzong there was fascinated by, Ye Wu also irrepressible curiosity gives Qin Tianzong a look in the direction, when Ye Wu saw the Qin days if applying ghosts step and million hands dry cloud together unexpectedly so magical ,his eyes popping out of all of a sudden .
relationresultBut Ye Wubut this time it was learned, he only saw Qin vertical-day eye, mind is back ,like a big bad wolf ,eyes tightly staring at Chu to ,ready to make their deadly strike .
relationresultChuand Ye Wu here is to temporarily break the fire ,Zheng Yunfeng three Ziyun in the elite disciples is in dire straits .relationresultZheng Yunfeng nowregret it too intestines are blue ,the living room was always in his surveillance ,Hatake and Qin Tianzong appeared, Zheng Yunfeng would know .
relationresultOnlyin the absence of absolute certainty before ,Zheng Yunfeng has not only secret ,hiding in the side to watch, but ready to sneak out .relationresultFor Zheng Yunfeng,her dreams are important, but have to do ,if only revenge but lost forever, what also do not want to ,so he sensibly restrained their enmity ,hiding in the side of half sticks of incense is long, Qin Tianzong and Ye Wu are deeply printed engraved in mind .
relationresultWhen Zheng Yunfeng saw theChu to slap Fei Qin talented ,and two other brothers can also contain leaf Wu ,Zheng Yunfeng knows his chance,beats by dre studio, he could not help out .relationresultUsingmagic to bring Qin Tianzong to knock again ,Zheng Yunfeng hung the heart also falls to real point ,think of how fast you can offer her genocide ,Zheng Yunfeng excited at the same time ,extraordinary play their own strength .
relationresultZheng Yunfeng isexcited did not last long ,he fell into extreme terror ,in his eyes cannot withstand a single blow young black men ,were suddenly play tens of times force ,all of a sudden push themselves cornered ,more terrible is ,his two brothers also in young black men before the defenseless .
relationresultZheng Yunfeng andtwo other Ziyun elite disciples is more surprising, in their eyes ,Qin days if already no longer ,but a humanoid monster ,is not what they can do . The
young black people practicing what tactics ,how could play this force ,the same level warrior ,he even by an enemy ten is not the problem ? To observe the Qin days if longer, Chu Related articles:

