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Body effect ,there is no faults .relationresultSu Qingyun isred, his eyes turn to blood red ,at Longfei roar sound, like a gorilla like threw .relationresultAt this timehis speed ,than does the Longfei shrinkage degree can be much slower ,flexibility ,far beyond the condensation point .
relationresultAfter about,left to right ,the action such as water water in general ,see half stagnation .relationresultLongfeiused shrink point changed four places, he followed into four place ,a close, if in the use of a condensation point Longfei words ,it must be his catch .
relationresultIn the face offire magic body strengthens the invincible iron fist ,even block plate can be smashed, if he caught, then there is a good ?relationresultRun out ofshrinkage after just stand point Longfei ,Su Qingyun has appeared in front of him ,growling ,punched it hit .
relationresultAt this point in thereducing degree ,already too late .relationresultPhantom -- step ! , relationresultAcold drink Longfei ,Su Qingyun just feel that a flower ,stood in front of him Longfei vanished ,and his fists ,suddenly empty .
relationresulthands ! , relationresultBehind!relationresultFeelZhangfeng from behind, Su Qingyun startled, turned out the leg ,want to play to longfei .relationresultAsight again ,Longfei figure disappeared again .
relationresultNext,the horrible things happened .relationresultNo matterhow Su Qingyun a quick turnaround ,no matter what kind of dead space ,science has been able to appear behind him, such as attached maggot of the bone ,simply could not be shaken off .
relationresulthands ! , relationresulthands ! , relationresulthands ! , relationresultAmagic two magic ,horrible things not yet finished ,Su Qingyun horrified to see ,standing in front of him is one divides into two.
Two to four ,four ,phantom eight ,gradually, dozens of Longfei around him round, only to have him dizzy ,disoriented .relationresultBang! Bang! Bang! Bang ,www.headphones-fashion.com! , relationresultDozens ofLongfei neat head ,hit him in the back ,landing hard ,he went directly into the ground ,hit a huge pit .
relationresultApparition,dozens of Longfei turned a ,standing in the pit ,cold look at trying to climb out of Su Qingyun .relationresultHeis our own understanding of shrinkage - magic point ,point , relationresultSimilarly toshrink inch based, but is not limited in this category, as long as the magic point ,at the foot of a land ,in vivo have you afterwards ,he is free from the ground on any one location out .
relationresultAsthe mouse ,but there is no under Longfei hole ,he should have this meaning ,can reach such a magical effect .relationresultDozens ofthe phantom ,but he will phantom point velocity into full play .
Then, dozens of phantom is not the truth, but because of his speed too fast ,will give people the illusion .relationresultThe phantomis not true or false, that dozens of recording palm ,nature also is all true ,Longfei is with this superposition method ,broke Su Qingyun and magic .
relationresultJustone word ,I hurt him .relationresultSu Qingyun tried toclimb ,managed to climb out of the pit ,he rolled his eyes and white ,fainted .relationresultAfire demon body protection ,he will not die ,but dozens of recording palm effects on the body, the light is the shock strength ,enough for him to pass out .
relationresultWin,this one battle ,Longfei wins easily the pole, exceeded all expectations .relationresultUntilthe fair staff announced the results of the competition ,under the stage to boil .
relationresultMore than ninety percentpeople ,is lost .relationresult* *le eyes can not see it .relationresultWho would have thought thatthe result would be like this ?relationresultDo not say others,even the first masked warriors are Longfei with magic step time, all laid away from the sitting ,craned his neck to the field to watch .
relationresultThe audienceare scared .relationresultTheLongfei performance ,completely beyond their estimation .relationresultAndthe glory ,now Longfei just feel very tired .relationresultShrinkagedegree consumption mump speed has been very sick, as shrinkage point upgrade edition phantom step consume you can not in use to describe the metamorphosis .
relationresultProbablylasted only for five minutes ,you will all have light .relationresultIf Su Qingyuncan fight, the dragon can only hand towel .relationresultSu Qinglanface shock than any person should be strong ,she knows Su Qingyun ,more know water devil body that terrible defense ability ,she used to play Su Qingyun several times, each time Su Qingyun was standing there, like a stake to let her play ,can result, but only let her sigh .
relationresultTheresult ,under a lot of people are crying .relationresultXiaoYuye cried ,cried ,on foot at chest ,just a little down and rolled on the ground .relationresultOnly one mansmiled ,Zhao rocks .
relationresultHe isthe two wager ,all two times ,of course ,for him, a win / lose no matter, the most important is his intuition ,has been very good .relationresultThe crowdgroaned dispersed, grand opera is ending ,they stay here is nothing .
relationresultYou can be my opponent ,but ,when do you want to challenge me ? , relationresultUnder the stage,go to the masked warrior Longfei near, and he said softly .relationresultHis voice was soft,sound compared to neutral ,and the so-called neutral words, just listening to his voice ,you don see he is male or female .
relationresultIn fact,the masked warrior is male is female the issue ,has been discussed in the gossip popular city college .relationresultSome people say thathe is a woman, it is said to be a man, others say his shemale ,anyway, say anything ,but his appearance ,but no one ever seen .
relationresultHas been verymysterious .relationresultIn the face ofmasked warrior questions ,Longfei just smiled ,did not answer ,called Xiao Yu back .relationresultThough heeasily defeated the Sioux Qingyun ,but one is able to defeat Su Qingyun warrior ,he has never had a shot .
relationresultBoss, I know you will win! Xiao Yu excited squeezed fist .relationresultI win is a good thing ,but why are you still cry so sad ? , relationresultNothing, because I was happy to shed tears .
Xiao Yu, with tears in her eyes ,a tract .relationresult...... , relationresultChapter thirty-third ordinary objects , relationresultOink ... ... , relationresultThe inner chamber,sit cross-legged Longfei ,quietly listening to the small gold back information .
relationresultHe has beenwatching Li Mu .relationresultHe beganspying on Li Mu, is from the palace after the events it has begun .relationresultSmall goldto help, although not to grasp Li Mu every act and every move ,but if he had any kind of action, Longfei first time know ,but also not difficult .
relationresultStay at home never to go out? Together with the son ?Now Li Yan is just a corpse ,he does not go to the son buried ,has been with me what is the meaning? , relationresultAlthough it is not knownwhat Li Mu is doing this purpose ,but is faint feel ,Li Mu leaves Li Yan ,not only the relationship of father and son .
relationresultIn the shadow ofthe last Li Mu escape ,he first thought the thing ,is with his son away together .relationresultWant to be illogical,but fortunately ,Li Mu did not have any special move ,it is to let Longfei slightly laid down the heart .
relationresultRight now,or as soon as possible to enhance the strength as well, otherwise I think of themselves in the face of such a strong opponent ,Longfei did not even sleep peacefully .
relationresultTheYulan space from the eight trigrams furnace out ,Longfei stared at the scene ,even speechless .relationresultSu Min day,a few days ago, or seven or eight years old little girl, Related articles:

