
cheap beats by dr dre I will be very ha

The initial role Rett was shot ! Lycra went to the little girl before .Very respectfully said .relationresultSuch alittle girl is Piaoxue city master ?They looked ,but is being at a loss what to do !They also think that she is the daughter of the duke !relationresultAre you ?I really appreciate you for that .
Daphne blue eyes ,very happy ,very clear sound ,moving, and somewhat childish interest .relationresultYes ,they are .Daphne ,please give them an award in accordance with the relevant provisions .
Lycra see Daphne so happy ,also is not to smile ,and then slowly guide said .relationresultGood .Well, reward is all these things right ? Daphne thought for a while, and then took a red box out ,handed to the lycra .
relationresultLycratook it, went to the front of them open ,which showed a four silver metal badge .relationresultThis is the castellan of Daphne to grant special medal ,whole Piaoxue city only you deserve ,is a symbol of honor and courage ! Lycra from box to four each awarded a silver medal ,the surface is always with smile .
relationresultSystemhint: you completed a task the missing people !relationresultSystem hint:you get 50000 gold coins !relationresultThe system promptsyou to level up to 30 !relationresultThe system promptsyou to level up to 31 !relationresultSystem hint:you get 200 prestige !relationresultSystem hint:you get special Medal of honor honor the brave !relationresultHonorthe brave ( special Medal of honor ) :This is Piaoxue city all citizens as thanks for saving their brave and special manufacturing medal ,with a very strong strength of faith !relationresultAttribute:+20 physical attack , relationresultPhysical+10 , relationresultPower+10 ,cheap beats by dr dre, relationresultAgile +20relationresultStrength of faith:attack ,game player and has dark red blacklist energy monster and NPC, rising 10% attack power !relationresultRewardis actually the prestige and a special Medal of honor !Four people can are very happy together !The game can wear on medal of honor are minimal ,as they so good luck ,do have a reputation reward task, can brush the elite BOSS .
Want to brush the elite BOSS get a medal of honor ,the difficulty is not generally a big .Often only the union of outstanding contributions to the people can get .And don think ,they reward special Medal of honor ,but also better than average fraction !relationresultWhat is your medal attributes ? Xiao Hua saw this and Different Occupation Medal Medal of honor ,a bit strange and asked .
relationresult+25 +10 magic attacks ,physical ,spiritual wisdom of +10 ,+20 ,and finally a strength of faith . Wandering and coagulation are one and the same attribute .relationresultPhysical attack +20 ,+10 +20 strength ,constitution ,dexterity +10 .
Strength of faith . Fang Ying is force mostly, it is according to each attribute automatic deployment of the .relationresultYou get all the special medal ,if you are not satisfied with ,I am on duty when you need ,according to still can be in where I buy different medal .
Lycra explains .relationresultExcuse me miss you Lycra ,where the medal to let me have a look ? Xiao Hua hearts on general Medal of honor property is very good ,it even before the forum also cannot find data !relationresultOf course.
Lycra nodded ,and then Xiao Hua appeared before a list of items .relationresultShieldMedal ( First Order Medal of honor ) :HP+150 ,+10 wearer need constitution ,the prestigious 200 .relationresultThemedal ( First Order Medal of honor ) :physical attack +13 ,power +10 ,wearing to the prestigious 200 .
relationresultXun Medal ( First Order Medal of honor ) :physical attack +10 ,agile +10 ,wearing to the prestigious 200 .relationresult...... , relationresultIt isgood stuff ,property is one order of more than two times !relationresultReadattribute comparison ,Xiao Hua heart in !relationresultDear brothers and sisters ,thank you !Rett the old man always has a superior shape ,flat is gone and I don give me face, turned out to be the big bad wolf ,now you killed, was really too good ! Daphne outspoken excited and said .
relationresultDaphne ,you can talk like that ! Female Sheriff Lycra listened, hurriedly said .relationresultWhy, they are good, will not say evil of me ! Be in the right and self-confident ,daphne .
relationresultThis has nothing to do with them ,you are the Piaoxue city master ,must have etiquette . Lycra sincere words and earnest wishes to teach .relationresultHum !I didn want to be master of ! Daphne was a little angry will head is screwed to one side to .
relationresultSweat,it is a little girl !relationresultTheymet ,finally felt that Daphne is true .Although she was a castellan castellan ,but as the premise ,she was a little girl .See such an angry little girls ,a few people are a knowing smile ,seemed to remember past myself .
relationresultThe first zero eight chapters of hidden incentives , relationresultBornFu Ni, well-behaved ,don a child midday spleen didn ,too tired thing ,hurry up and go to sleep . Lycra see Daphne odds, he said softly comfort .
relationresultListen to theLycra said ,or a child of Daphne is really tired .He yawned ,but still did not forget to look back on the four Xiao Hua said: I love you, if you come here for me to play, I will be very happy ! , relationresultSystem hint:you get Daphne friendship ,get free access to the Duke rights !relationresultWell,there is an additional award !After the empty point to find the little girl to play, can trigger certain special tasks !relationresultFemaleSheriff Lycra send Daphne back room sleep ,four see no their thing ,also left the city palace .
relationresultKill Rett lost something ? A main residence ,blowing and condensate will Xiao Hua Wai up .Rett is a master ah ,killed him ,how have to point out to master equipment !relationresultKhan!Fortunately, Rett gave two mage with things, so that he is still a bit .
Rett was killed in a scandal on or over !Let them know that ,surely he can greedy preaching ,then estimated will say ,if killed Rett ,that was good stuff and so much more .relationresult mirage is you is you ,Paulownia method .
Xiao Hua then two things out ,to fall and coagulation ,and Fang Ying ,he can only stand stand hand ,she can count on him from a mage to record an archer equipped with it !relationresultNext, you have a look it two what is the use ? Two woman after the excitement, Xiao Hua took out Alfa gem and the black unhatched eggs .
relationresultDon ,never seen ! Three men are answered affirmatively said .relationresultThe eggs will not be mounts the egg? The game has no pets ,only mount eggs ? His black eggs ,wandering speculation road .
relationresultTo go have a look mounts domestication officer not to know it ? Method of setting eyes gives an idea .Xiao Hua also feel justified, four minutes before domestication who appeared in mount .
relationresultWhat an egg ,I don ! Horse domestication officer saw a black egg ,very impolite answer .relationresultXiao Hua a.Know that there is no way, it seems the warehouse has two kind of ballast bottom thing !relationresultTired ,we hurry to get the house ready now ,I want to sleep for a while .
Side condenser yawned ,although she began very early to play this game ,but not how to play the game for a long time ,not used ,then a night of tiring ,spirit relax ,immediately have a sense of fatigue . Related articles:

